Chapter 1[Ghost girl]

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I can't be late on my first day of school of my senior year.
I pushed my feet faster to catch the bus on the next stop. If only I had time I would have walked but then I'll be late for the first class and I never leave a class.
Panting I reach the next stop just in time to see the last kid get on the bus and pushed myself harder and take a running jump onto it. Everyone look up and I hung my head down and went to sit.

I bet no one in the whole bus know my name but still I hear few whispers of my tardiness.

How I know they are about me. Because they might not know my name but I have grown accustomed to one in particular in the past few years.

That ghost girl looks more ghostly today.

I hear from a few seat behind me followed by snickers of some dumb kids.

Ghost girl. That's what most people in my school know me as since some boy in my class pointed out how pale I look. How my eyes have shadows underneath and how I pass by unnoticed and be at another place without them noticing me.

It wasn't my fault they were too blinded to notice me going away from their stupid jocks. But since then I became the ghost girl.

They'll soon forget about me though. They always do.

I reach homeroom and sit in the middle near the window. The seat beside me was always empty. I had no one to sit with. Not here not anywhere.

I look out the window waiting for the bell to ring when I see a boy running jump from his car and run straight for the school. I guess he must be running late too.

I haven't seen him before though, considering I knew basically everyone in my class. It's hard not to notice when you have no one to talk to you can't help but observe people around you. And I had plenty of time.

He looked to be my age but I couldn't be sure he ran really fast and disappeared out of my sight.

The day passed in a blur more so then usual because first days were always hectic and before I knew it was lunch time.

On my way I saw the notice board. In the past I might not have thought at it twice. It was just too much for me sometime. Interacting with people. Talking to them. And when I couldn't fill the silence or keep up the conversation they thought of me as weird. What was weird to me was people's need to constantly chatter about such irrelevant topics I found it hard to respond.

Eventually they stopped talking to me. Thus I stopped trying

But this is my last year. I will try to be more open so that I can overcome these shortcomings of mine because next year I have to go to college and I think it will do me good to be better prepared.

I stopped and looked and what caught my eyes was an article writing competition. Perfect.

I won't have to go on a stage directly. It'll be like taking an exam. It should be easy. But still my heart pounded in my chest and I went to lunch feeling excited and nervous at the same time.

I never buy lunch from school and I don't think there is a need to say I don't believe when they say what they are serving and what is actually served. So I think it's better to pack my own lunch then eat the said goo.

Nah uh I'd rather wake up early then eat that.

I sat on the only available table on the farthest corner luckily by a window and I was opening my lunch when I heard a voice say.
"Hi. Can I sit here?"


So what do you guys think.
I know it's a boring chapter but let's ignore that and ponder on the fact that someone said hi to Bella. The ghost girl.
Whosoever you think it could be.
Let me know what you think.
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See you guys soon. ♥

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