Chapter 4 [Some Stalker]

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"But I think Margo should have gone with Quentin ."

"But think if you had the same feelings as her would you want to go back and continue that monotony of life. I would have done the same. " I concluded as we came out of the class.

I spend the whole class talking about books with Leigh. I have never talked so much about books with anyone. And he has read so many books and remembers them in so much detail it was disturbing.

We had two more class together and he usually sat with me though it was mostly him sitting with a group of boys on one side and me outside of their circle but beside him.

We leave the last class together, with him chatting with boys and I trailing silently behind him.

He says his goodbyes and we stand in front of each other in the hallway. 

"So I'll see you later. " He sounded hopeful. I guess being the new kid wasn't that easy when you didn't know about people that much.

"Yeah. Sure." I reply with more certainty then I felt. I don't know how long this will last but I will enjoy it while it does.


I reach home to find my mother cooking in the kitchen.

"I'm home. " I announce and make my way to my room. I see my mother not even nodding in acknowledgment. It was always like this. Even though I was a decent student at school, my brother got most of the attention from my parents with his achievements. 

Andrew was good at sports, went to parties and had almost all of the school for friend. He had that aura that attracted people to him.  He must have gotten that from my mother. She always knew what to say and when to say the right thing. She was adored by everyone I knew.

My dad worked as a doctor so he was hardly at home. But he was very strict towards our studies and rarely cared about anything else. 

While I was the black sheep of the family. I scored well but I didn't participate in extra curricular or sports. So he didn't bother much about me. 

I took out my homework for the day. I couldn't concentrate on it. My thoughts kept drifting to Silvia and Leigh. I didn't want them to find out about me from others but I couldn't tell them about it myself.

What would I say.

Hi remember me from yesterday because I'm sure you dont and yes I'm the ghost of the school. Literally. I'm gonna haunt this school forever I think.  Would you still like to hang out with me.


I sighed and closed my books. At least for today I can think that I had a normal day at school. 

I took out my journal and wrote down the details as deeply as possible. I don't want to forget that feeling of belonging ever.

"Bella dinner's ready. Let's go."

I hear Drew's voice from outside my door. Anyone rarely comes in. And for that I'm grateful because dinners are almost always awkward for me at least. 

I help my mom with setting up the table and was almost done when my father came in.

I had no idea when he was home or out working. I usually tried to steer clear of him.

My shoulders tensed when I heard his footsteps.

I took a deep breath and sat down beside my brother. Hoping today will end on a good note. Without any disaster.

I was wrong.

"How was your test today, Bella?" Dad asked after a few bites.

He always asked about school, about grades. That's all mattered to him about me. He never asked about my day about me.

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