1 - oh baby

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"Don't worry Hotch, you guys will be fine without me. Besides, agent Ambrosia will be stepping in whilst I'm gone." JJ said as she followed Aaron Hotchner out of his office.

"I know. We'll miss you JJ." Hotch said and smiled down at her.

She returned the gesture with a reassuring smile and they made their way to the conference room.

She suddenly stopped and held the side of a desk to balance herself as she put her other hand over her pregnant belly.

"JJ? Tell me what's wrong." Hotch said as he rushed to her aid.

She started taking deep breaths and slowly calmed down.

"I'm fine," she said. He lightly touched her arm and gave her a look. "Really, I'm okay. It must be the Braxton Hicks contractions. The doctor warned me about them."

He nodded and helped her stand up straight. "As long as you're okay."

They made their way to the round table in one piece and listened as JJ presented their next case. Halfway through, Garcia burst through the doors.

"Sir, I need you to take a look at-" she started but paused. "JJ?"

"Garcia why would I need to take a look at JJ?" Aaron asked, perplexed as to why his technical analyst would make such a request.

"Sorry sir. The case can wait sir." She said as she rushed to JJ's side. "JJ what's wrong?"

Everyone turned to look at the mildly hyperventilating pregnant agent in the room. A thin sheen of sweat was forming on her forehead and she appeared to be in some form of pain.

"Contractions." She breathed out and then groaned as another one hit her.

"Oh sweetie. How far apart?" Penelope asked as she knelt beside JJ.

"Um," she winced, "about five in the last hour maybe."

"JJ the baby's coming!" Penelope said as she helped JJ stand. "Everyone the baby is coming!"

Immediately everyone dropped what they were doing and sprung into action.

"I'll get the car." Derek said as he rushed out the room.

"You said five contractions in the last hour. Which puts your contractions at twelve minutes apart. The contractions usually get worse at the ten minutes apart mark as your body is preparing to push the baby out. This should-" Spencer started spouting off facts.

"Reid, maybe later." Emily said as she rushed to JJ's side with Penelope.

"Will," JJ choked out, "call Will."

Emily nodded and rushed off to make the phone call.

"Sir. I need you to help JJ. Reid I need you to help too." Penelope said as she pulled Hotch towards JJ. "I'm going to get her bag from her office." She said and she too rushed out of the room.

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