27 - irish coffee

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"My eyes are deceiving me." Spencer said with wide eyes.

"Is that a.." Hotch started as he walked inside.

"Sword? Yeah." Olivia replied as she followed him. "It's kind of like a hobby."

Hotch brushed his fingers over a longbow placed carefully on the wall. "No guns?"

"Just that one." She said and pointed to her bureau issued holster and gun lying on a shelf.

Spencer was still standing in the entrance of the secret room with his mouth hanging open. He silently took in the brilliant white room with white lights shining down on the numerous weapons being displayed. There were crossbows and longbows, swords and daggers. Knuckle dusters made of different metals and with different properties adorned a section of the shelves along with a host of other weapons.

"Nunchucks?" Hotch pointed to a pair encased in glass.

"A very special pair." She had a glint in her eyes as she took notice of them. "Spence?" She saw him just standing there.

He hummed as he carried on staring from his spot at the entrance.

"Spencer." She said loudly.

He met her eyes. "You're sure my eyes aren't deceiving me?"

"We're sure. Come look Reid." Hotch said with a slight smile.

Spencer cautiously stepped inside as if the ground might just fall out beneath him if he did. He relaxed as he realized the ground was still there and walked to the pair of nunchucks Hotch was looking at just mere minutes before. "These are special."

"Why?" Hotch asked and turned Olivia.

"Oh, he'll tell you." She nodded towards Reid who had his face almost pressed to the glass.

He stood up straight and ran his fingers through his hair. "Well it's worn down on the handles, which tells us that it was once used quite a lot. It's not new, definitely over twelve years old. And it's in a very expensive, very bullet proof, finger print required to open it, glass case." Hotch looked the tiniest bit surprised. "Which means that these are Olivia's first pair on nunchucks. She keeps them so guarded not because they're a sentimental object, but they're to almost honor a person. Maybe your trainer, could've been your dad. How am I doing?"

"Pretty accurate doc." She smirked.

"Thank you. I like the built in taser that activates when it's opened without the finger print." He pointed out.

"Thanks." Hotch just stared at the seemingly harmless pair of nunchucks that now seem kind of deadly. "Well, you boys want to go back downstairs. I'll come down in a second after I've showered." She said as she walked out of the room.

Hotch nodded and walked out and left her room.

"Spence?" She called as she noticed him still in the room.

"I'll be out in a second." He called.

He came out after almost ten minutes and saw Olivia sitting on her bed and playing on her phone. He looked at her and grinned as he ran to stand in front of her.

"You took so long." She said as she stared at her phone.

He grinned and turned around and so his back was now facing her. She looked up just in time to see him fall on top of her. She groaned as he crushed her. "Spencer."

He spread his arms out like a starfish and chuckled. But he was careful not to put any weight on her injured arm.

Hotch had been waiting downstairs for Spencer. When he didn't come down after a few minutes, he crept back upstairs. He leant against the doorframe of the entrance to Olivia's room and noticed her sitting on the bed with her phone in hand.

"Spence?" He heard her call out.

Hotch watched as Spencer emerged from the weaponry and ran to stand in front of her. He heard her say something but didn't quite hear it. He saw Spencer turn around and the next thing he knew, Spencer was squishing her. He grinned and watched as Olivia struggled underneath Spencer, who looked like he was trying to make snow angels in the air.

"Hotch!" She said as she noticed him standing by the door. "Help me."

"I think he's good there." Spencer said as he relaxed from his starfish position to just putting all his weight on her. "Right Hotch?"

"Yeah. I'm good here." He said as he glanced around.

She sighed and placed her uninjured hand on Spencer's back and pushed as hard as she could.

"Woah." Spencer said as he felt her push him off of her. She pushed him off completely and he rolled and landed on the floor. "Not fair." He pouted.

"You two are like children." Hotch laughed and shook his head. "Come on Reid."

Spencer's scrambled up from the floor and followed Hotch out of the room. Olivia smiled and closed the door behind them as she went to shower.

"You should've seen him, he was bright red." She heard someone laugh.

"Well hello." She said as she walked down the stairs and saw the some of team in her living room.

"Hey. There she is!" Emily exclaimed.

"Hey Sunshine." Morgan said as she sat down next to him and Hotch. She grinned up at him and he planted a kiss on the top of her head.

"Oh uh. JJ wanted me to tell you she's sorry but she couldn't make it, she's with Henry and Will." Hotch cleared his throat. "Rossi kind of just disappeared but he also says he's sorry he couldn't make it."

"Thanks. I'll be seeing them real soon at work though."

"Not true. You have two weeks of mandatory medical leave and then you're on desk duty." Spencer said loudly from the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes whilst the rest of the team laughed. Spencer took that cue to walk out of the kitchen with a tray of steaming mugs.

Olivia sighed, "Oh Reid, you'd make a good housewife."

"You're hilarious." He replied and the rest of the team laughed.

She coughed as she took a sip of her hot chocolate. "Spence, there's whiskey in this."

He glared at the team. "Okay who spiked the sick old lady's drink?"

"Hey." Olivia protested against the new nickname.

Derek grinned and held up a flask.

"Not funny Morgan. So not funny." Spencer said as he leaned back in his chair and shook his head.

"My apologies Mrs Reid." He smirked.

Olivia couldn't help but giggle as she watched Spencer get upset.

"Rude. You are all just rude." He said as he sipped his coffee.

The team watched as his eyes grew to the size of saucers. He spluttered as he tasted the whiskey. Derek was in tears next to her and even Hotch couldn't help but laugh.

"If you would excuse me." Hotch said suddenly and stood up, he was looking worriedly down at his phone.

The team grew silent as they watched him walk up the stairs. "Should we?" Emily spoke.

"Let's give him a few minutes." Derek replied.

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