Only For Me To Escape

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"Do you really have to go? Can't you stay?" Y/n pleaded, as she clung to his arm.


That broke his heart.

Oh, how he hated this cruel world.
All he wanted was to just stay with his lover.

Is that so wrong?

He could only place a gentle hand to her head, and a soft smile on his face.

"I'm so sorry, but I really should go. I'll see you later tonight." He added another smile to reassure her again.

Y/n lets go of her grip, so much to both their dismay.

"I love you." Sato announces, as he opens the locks to the door.

Y/n forced a smile onto her face, knowing that this would be the only thing thing she can do to keep his day bright.

Sato's heart throbbed in his chest, and man.....get this boy an ambulance. His heart beat is on fire.

"Bye, Sato!" Y/n waves her hand.

By the doorway, Sato gave a little frown. "No I love you?" He jokes.

A shocked expression flitted across the girl's face, before quickly saying the three words he wanted to hear.

"I love you!" She says, her cheeks bright and red.

A lovesick smile appeared on Sato's face, before he closed the door shut, and locked it from the outside.


My smile faltered, as I heard the door lock from the outside.

I leaned my ear next to the door, and placed my hand on it.

To hear or feel any vibrations coming from the door.

The faint sounds of cars honking. The distant footsteps.

I redrew myself away from the door, and ran straight back to the kitchen to grab a knife.

Sato had the sharpest objects up on the cupboard.

Does he really think I am the stupidest person to not grab a stool and reach for it?

Everyday, when he leaves for school, I try.

I try to find a way out of here.

I'm not stupid.

Does he think that not giving me a proper explanation on who I really was, and who I am was enough to make me just go along?

I've grown suspicious.

Why am I here?

Why bother locking me up in here? I really the person he's telling me I am?

And if I really do get out, then what?

I just need to know the truth.

Using a stool to boost up my height, I was able to open the cupboards with ease and take a simple, kitchen knife.

After closing the cupboard afterwards I began to do my daily routine of trying to open the window by the balcony.

The balcony was connected to the other balconies, supposedly of the neighbors.

I found out about this a few days ago, by looking sideways of the window.

I was desperate for days to try and open the window lock with the knife.

The lock didn't budge. Frustrated, I threw them knife away and grumbled beneath my breath.

I clenched my hair in my hands, as I think of another way to make  this lock open.

"Paper clip." I muttered.

My head shot up, and a new refilled determination entered me.

"Paper clip! Paper clip!" I chanted, as I ran to our-....the bedroom.

Frantically opening the drawers next to Sato's study.

"They must be here somewhere... What kind of student doesn't have any paper clips? You?" I dug through the piles of paper.

Homework, reports, projects, poems.

"There!" I cheered as I took sight of a paper clip that was keeping hold of a stack of doodles.

As I pulled up the stack of papers to pull apart the paper clip, the doodles flew across the floor.

A sense of discomfort bubbled in my chest. It was an odd feeling.

Like, knowing someone for so long, but then you finally realize you don't actually know them.

The doodles were detailed, but the fact that each drawings were of me in different angles, somehow feels flattering, but a sense of dread start to creep up my stomach.

I shook my head, as I pulled myself away from the scattered pile, and just get the hell out of here.

Paper clip in hand, I immediately  inserted the clip to the keyhole.

I had no experience with locks, so I randomly jiggled the clip.
Praying it at least works.

For what seemed like eternity,
The lock gave out a click.

I mentally cheered for myself, as I got up, and started to crawl up to the next balcony.

The wind thrashed around me, as I carefully stepped into the next balcony.

I immediately ran to the neighbor's window and pounded my fist against it.

"Hello? Anyone? Can anyone hear me? Hello! I need to use your door! I have to get out of here! Please!" I pleaded.

After what seemed like a minute the balcony window opened, and a small child stared back at me with a confused expression on his face.

"Hello. Can I please use your door to exit this place?" I asked. Trying to keep my adrenaline calm, and not make me run to the door.

The child looked at me funny, and stepped aside to let me in.

With a grateful nod, I stepped in, and looked for the door.

"Which door is to let me out?" I asked.

The boy didn't give me a reply, but instead pointed to the huge, green door a few steps ahead of me.

I thanked the boy, as I fumble with the locks.

With the last lock left untouched, the boy suddenly started to scream. His fingers accusingly pointing at me.

His screams alerted a huge man to get out of his room, looking angry as he spotted me.

"THEIF!!" He boomed.

Afraid, I hurriedly opened the last lock, his booming footsteps coming in close.

I swung the door opened, and sprinted. I ran away as fast as my legs can take me.

Where am I going?

Anywhere but here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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