Only Mine To Love

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'Knock knock knock'
Sato tossed and turned in annoyance, before grumbling as he got out of bed.

On the way to the door, he checked the time clock that loyally hanged by the wall.

8:55 am

Finally getting to the door, Sato jerked open the door.
A middle aged man with a service cap beamed at Sato.
A box lay in his arms.

"Hey, kid. Is Tojimè Mikari there? She ordered these online." The man informed, gesturing to the box he was holding.

"O-oh. Yeah, you got the right place. But...Aunt Mika isn't here. She's on vacation at Kyoto. She left me in charge here, you see. I'm her nephew." Sato lied.

"I see. Here you go, sonny. Can you sign this for her, please?" The man requested, as he held out a pen and his clipboard to the white haired male.

Taking the pen, Sato signed Miss Mika's last name, before handing the clipboard back to the man.

With a jolly smile, the man handed the box to Sato, before bidding him goodbye.

When the man was out of sight, a frown etched onto the male's face, before locking the door.

He gave the box a harsh shake. Its contents rattling. Ripping the box open, the contents were revealed to be paintbrushes and new sets of paint.

Sato clutched the box, and brought it to Miss Mika's storage room, farther from any of the rooms.

Sato opened the locks that locked the room.

As soon as the door opened, a heavy stench of death blew on his face.
Without a care in the world, the male tossed the box inside the room, and locked the door again.

Sato stopped back and looked at the handiwork he had made.
He proudly looks at it.

High locks and tight bolts. Passwords and codes.
Yes, maybe he had gotten a little way too overboard on the locks.
But he can't risk his Sweet Goddess to freak out on him when she sees the trash in the room now, could he?

Absolutely not. He plans for Y/n to stay with him for as long as it can last. Favorably...eternity.

A genuine happy smile painted on Sato's face.
He made a bee-line to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

The menu prepared in his mind is gonna be sweet!

Pancakes shaped of a bunny and Y/n's favorite (ice cream flavor) ice cream as the bunny's snout.
And then some berries for the eyes and its nose.
Wouldn't that be adorable?
Sato looks forward for the suprised smile his beloved will show, when he serves her this delicious meal!!


"My Lady, wake up." A sweet voice gently call out to Y/n.

Y/n shifts in her sleep, before blinking her eyes open.
She was greeted by Sato who held a loving look. He held a platter to her, and the smile on his face was ridiculously cute.

"I made you breakfast." The male stated.

With an excited look that surely woke up Y/n, she looked at her platter with an expression full of expectation.

Her eyes widened in glee, and she couldn't resist smiling like an idiot.
His adorable idiot.

Oh, how he would kill the entire world just to be with this beautiful creature.

*To be continued*

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