Grandma (ch. 16)

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Summer break was in 2 months, meaning that I was going to visit Asgard in 2 months. To say I was nervous was a total understatement. I knew the All-father would have to judge me off first appearance and could banish me from stepping foot in the nine realms if he felt like it but I was pretty sure that wouldn't happen. Right?

Dads "arrangement" to spend some time in Midgard as a "punishment" for the attack in New York even if he was being mind controlled and it wasn't his fault. Which was very unfair but at least he met me.

Dad agreed that we would start to train me on how to act, talk and speak while on our time on Asgard. Although being around Thor and dad for a whole year had made me talk more formally and sometimes I'll accidentally slip into a Asgardian accent unknowingly and get weird stares or comments.

Dad and I were sitting in the living room, enjoying a homecooked dinner and a comfortable conversation talking about random things. Then I started to have a little tingling feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was different from when I sensed danger but that didn't make it anymore pleasing.

Dad must have noticed my disgruntled face because he started to look at me funny with one eyebrow raised.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at me expectingly. My eyes traveled around the room, looking for what caused the sudden feeling.

"You don't feel that?" I asked still not looking at his face and all the sudden the feeling left. I looked back at my fathers confused face.

"I don't know....maybe it was just a feeling?" I said as more of a question and smiled awkwardly. Then my arm shot up without me moving it and formed a perch. I stared at my arm confused and then a normal looking crow flew in from seemingly nowhere then landed on my arm.

I looked stared, shocked at the crow but it wasn't a normal crow. It was a raven but not just any raven it was Munin. Munin and his brother Hugin are Odin's little pets. In the morning they travel to different worlds and listen but at breakfast they always come back to whisper to Odin all their findings. Sometimes they played 'messenger' for the royal family.

With my arm still acting as a perch for the magical bird, I turned to my father who had a look of shock and worry. Father turned to me and back to Munin before getting up from his comfortable spot on the couch.

He walked over to the crow and put his hand under the ravens mouth as he spit out a long scroll. Dad opened the scroll and continued to read until his eyes widened and he began to smile.

He then looked back at my confused face and said, "My mother is coming to visit!"just as those words left his mouth his face turned to worry.

"HOLY ODIN! My mother's coming to visit!" With that said, he ran out of the room and I continued eating my food with Munin on my shoulder. Sometimes I would let him have a piece. I think he likes me, Maybe?

The next morning was a Saturday. I was definitely exciting to meet my grandmother on Sunday.

I woke up early since I went to bed after dinner. I changed into black jeans and a sea-green shirt. I stumbled down the stairs and saw a note from dad that read,

To Petyr,

I went out to fetch some flowers to make mother happy, I also invited Thor to come over but if I don't come back in time, show him the scroll.

From, dad

Just as I finished reading the note, a loud bang came from the door making me jump. I smiled recognized Thor's attempts to not knock the door off its hinges........again.

I ran down the hall, to the door and immediately opened it. I saw Thor smiling his stupid puppy smile and I hugged him before letting him in.

He roughly placed his umbrella on the floor and laughed brightly, "YOUNG PETYR! I have been invited over by your father! Do you know where he is?

I smirked, "oh! Yeah, he went out to get flowers and he'll be back soon, but he wanted me to give you this." I said picking up the scroll and shoving it in his direction. When he saw it his faced turned curious. "We got it last night by Munin." I said and he took the scroll from my hands.

Uncle Thor opened the scroll and had the same reaction as Loki. He was first excited then he was immediately turned scared and ran off down the halls.

I laughed at my Uncles childishness and went to the library to read.

Then I sensed my dads aura but I continued to read. I herd some yelling and glass breaking, but that was normal when 2 gods were freaking out over a visit from their mother, the goddess of a Love and marriage.

Today was the day the bit-frost would open and the Queen would visit her 2 sons and unknowingly her grandson. Yesterday Thor and Loki were freaking out but now Loki, Thor and Petyr were all freaking out.

I was very nervous and excited in finally meet my grandmother Frigga. So here we are in the present. Thor, dad and myself all stood around around an area where we planned Heimdall would open the bit-frost.

Dad was always calm and Thor was always overly happy but they were both now overly anxious, nervous, scared and happy? It was a range of emotions and it was overwhelming for me. I was also nervous but I kinda wanted to leave with Loki's and Thor's strong aura surrounding me.

Then a bright shimmering white light came from above and I shielded my eyes from the heavenly light. When I reopened them, there in all her glory stood the Goddess of Love and marriage, Queen Of Asgard, Wife of Odin, Mother to both Thor and Loki and now my grandmother.

Just her presence made me immediately happy and calm and had the same effect on both Thor and my father. She wore a gorgeous yellow gown fit perfectly for a queen and a warm smile as she stood in front of both Loki and Thor, not noticing me.

"My sons!" She smiled and dad wrapped her in a large hug with Thor.

"It's so nice to see you again mother." Loki said  after their hugs and I stood awkwardly off to the side until she noticed me. She smiled warmly at me and I smiled back. Dad pick an arm around me and she got a little confused by the gesture.

"And who might you be?" She asked, I was about to answer when dad answered for me which was a huge reliver.

"This mother, is Petyr," he paused for dramatic effect like he did with Thor, "My son and a Purest." He said proudly. Frigga's eyes bulged out of her head and she looked at Loki and then to me. She smiled and said,


I'm very sorry for such a short chapter.

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