The Lost, and Found

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Jinx POV

I was walking slowly along the rode back to my home. I think for a moment, well, it isn't really MY home. It was abandon, so I have been living in it since I escaped from kraang about 2 years ago. I swing my fluffy tail back and forth, I giggle and I twitch my right ear, then my left, Someone is coming, I hear the car. I quickly put my backpack on both of my arms and I run as quickly as my metal arm, and my other arm, and legs will take me. I run into my house, and I run upstairs, I watch the car from my bedroom. Then it pulls in front of my house, Oh no! The owners must have come back! Then something I never expected to see happens, four turtles and two human come out of the van. I tilt my head slightly, There are more mutants like me? I think, Of course there are, it's the kraang we are talking about here! I scurry into the corner of the room, hoping they don't come into my room. I push my things under the bed, close to thge wall. I twitch my left ear, hearing them close. One opens the door and turns on the light. I hiss and run under my bed. I hear a childish voice say, "Kitty? It's ok kitty kitty I won't hurt you." I stick my head out, my eyes to my chin showing, only. He smiles, "Not a kitty." I come the rest of the way out, sniffing him. He giggles, "Part kitty?" I nod and stand up, smiling, showing my little fangs,"H-Hi. I a-am Jinx." He smiles and takes my hand, "I am Mikey." I hear someone call, with a soft voice, "Who are you talking to, Mikey?" I whimper and hide behind the orange-clad as I hear him coming closer. I hide closer to him, cuddling my tail, and softly mewing as I whimper. I hear the voice again, "You didn't find another cat did you?" Mikey says, "Not exactly." Then the other one walks in, another turtle, "What did you find then?" I hide so he can't see me. Mikey smiles, "You can come out Jinx." I peak out my whole head, twitching my right ear. I crawl over to this purple-clad and I sniff his hand. He looks at me and kneels down. I smile and put my hand out, sitting in front of him, "He-hello. I am J-Jinx." He shakes my hand and smiles, "Nice to meet you Jinx, I'm Donatello, or Donnie." He puts his hand out and I smile, and shake it, "Pleasure." He smiles even brighter. I giggle, "Your teeth are funny." He looks at me, "Rude." I blush, "Sorry, I me-meant they are fu-funny in an ad-adorable way." I shake my head and I back away, "Th-they will me-meet me in ti-time." He smiles, "It's ok. They don't bite." I smile and put a hand up to him and he helps me up and ask, "How old are you?" I smile, "I am 14, bu-but I ha-haven't ever se-seen anyone else before. Ot-other than the Kraang." He looks at me, "You know Kraang?"

I nod, "They made me who I am, but I am thankful they did mutate me, or I would be dead." He smiles, "Well, let's go mee the others." I hold his hand and cuddle my tail. He smiles, "Shy?" I nod. We walk down the stairs, Mikey trailing. We walk into the room with the couch. Mikey smiles brightly, "We found someone!" Everyone turns and I hide behind Donnie, blushing and still cuddling my tail. He smiles at me and softly pulls my arm and I come out, "He-Hello." The red-headed girl smiles, "She is so adorable!" I smile softly, still blushing, "Th-thanks." The red-clad laughs, "Looks like Donnie has a little follower." Donnie glares at him, "Not funny Raph." I walk over to them all quietly. I take a deep breathe and hold my hand out to the red-clad, "He-hello Ra-raph. I am Jinx." He shakes my hand, hesitantly, "Nice to meet you." I smile, sniffing the air around him. He glares daggers at me, I back of blushing, "So-sorry Raph, i-it's how I ge-get to know so-someone." He nods, I giggle and walk to the girl, the air around her is familiar, "You must be that little red-headed girl I keep finding pictures of, Hello." I put my hand out and she shakes it, "My name is April." I smile. Raph looks to me, "Hey she didn't stutter." Donnie says, "That's because she knows April's scent." I nod smiling. April rubs her hand on my head, I purr softly while blushing. "Aww," Mikey and April say in unison. Mikey runs over and pets my ear and April pets over my head. I blush even more as the purring grows louder in my throat. Donnie awes as well. I giggle. I rub my head against his leg when he walks over. He chuckles then I crawl up on the couch as April and Mikey leave. Raph sits on my left and Donnie on my right. I giggle, "Someone smell like, cologne." I sniff Raph and shake my head, then I sniff Donnie, "It's you." He blushes, "Wha-what?" I giggle, "You smell like cologne." He shushes me and I giggle, then whisper, "You like that girl don't you?" He blushes, "How did you know?" I giggle, "I can tell by your smell, you smell of love. I smell emotions."

He tilts his head, "How odd."I giggle, "Coming from the ninja terrapin." He looks at me weirdly, "How did you know I was a ninja?" I smile and point at his bo staff, "You have a ninja weapon." He nods, "Oh yeah." I giggle and then I look to the other two, who are holding in laughs. I smile, "I'm going swimming, anyone wanna come?" They nod,"I have nothing better to do," Raph says. Donnie nods in agreement. I giggle, "Let's go then!" I run out of the door on all fours, them staring at me then running after me. I stop and wait, "What's taking so long?" They come up, "We don't run on all fours." I giggle and blush, "Sorry." I run on my two legs and they run along side, then I say," It's just over those bushes." I run and jump over the bushes to make a splash. They look at the water as I come out, my hair in my face, giggling, "The water's warm." Donnie jumps in and makes a splash too, "I haven't been swimming in such a long time."

Raph walks in and smiles, "I just wanted to get away from Mikey for a while." I tilt my head, "He is not good?" Raph shakes his head, "He is just annoying." I nod, "Ok." I dive down then pop back up, pushing my hair out of my face, "That's better." I splash Raph playfully. He splashes back, "Quiddit." I giggle then splash Donnie. He splashes back and I smile using my tail to splash him, and causing a small wave. I giggle, "I win!" He comes up from under water, "Not far." I smile, "All is fair in water war." He says back, "It's 'All is fair in love and war'." I smile, "I don't see much love happening here though, so it's just all is fair in war." I splash him again. He smiles. It starts to get dark, and I yawn. Donnie says, "We should leave before Mikey, April, and Casey start to worry." Raph and I sigh. I get out and shake my head, then my body, then I put my hands to the ground and shake my tail too. I push my hair out of my face, then I run home, on all fours to dry myself more, then I run back to the others, "Sorry I left ya in the dust, "I blush and smile. They follow me back home. I look at myself, "Well now I have to run around outside a bit." Raph asks, "Why?" I smile, "So I can dry off. I don't have any other clothes." I go outside and run around, then come inside with dry clothes. Everyone is asleep by now, so I crawl over to the couch, climb up and curl up next to the arm, and fall asleep, softly mewing as I sleep.

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