Prologue🌻 Runaway Omega

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The first, second, and third chapter starts off as Bakugou being 13 years old. The fourth chapter will be him being 17 years old. But the rest of the story will progress with him being 22 years old. Most BNHA characters will be very OOC in this book.

"Wake up brat before you're late for school!" A smack on his bare leg wakes Bakugou up. He jolts up from the warm cover's and groans as he tries to focus on the silhouette of his mother. "Damnit woman, what gives?" Mitsuki smacks him on the top of his head next. "Don't give me that! It's time for you to go to school. I shouldn't have to keep waking you up." Bakugou waves her comment off and slides out of bed. A cute little bark alerts the blonde once he's on the floor. Bakugou looks over and grins at the tiny cream colored Pomeranian.

      "Morning to you too Lady." He runs his fingers through her fur and watched as he nuzzles into the touch. He gets up from the floor and heads for the bathroom. Bakugou returns to his bedroom five minutes. He puts his uniform on and grabs his bag to head off for school. When Bakugou enters the kitchen, his ten year old sister notices him and runs into his arms. "Morning Katsukiii~!"

  He pats Toga on the head and grins ever so slightly, he always had a soft spot for her. "Morning to you too brat."

"Why do you copy mom and call me brat?"

"I don't copy mom", Bakugou corrects, "and it's fitting for you since you like to cause trouble."

"Hehe, you cause trouble too." Toga let's him go and slips over to their brunette haired father, Masaru. Mitsuki walks over to her son and shoves a piece of toast with grape jelly into his mouth. "Since you slept in this is what you get for breakfast. Toga already ate. Now you two head off for school. I don't need the teacher calling to tell me you were tardy." Bakugou rolls his eyes and takes the hard bread from his mouth. "Yeah yeah, I know. Come on Toga before you make me late."

"Okay!" Toga kisses Masaru on the cheek and then Mitsuki. The woman coos lovingly as she hugs her daughter. "You both have a good day", Masaru calls out. The children respond back with an 'okay' before heading out of the door.

"Katsuki? Why do you seem more quiet then usual", Toga asks, "you aren't even yelling at me when I'm not holding your hand as we walk across the street."

The boy looks down at her with a mischievous smirk. "Do you want me to yell at you?"

"Nope! I like your silence." Toga tilts her head up more, "but seriously. It's weird coming from you."

Bakugou chuckles, it was an obvious reason as to why he wasn't so loud. But for someone as young like Toga, he could understand as to how she was so confused. Today, they were going to get their physical and test results for their secondary gender. He couldn't shake off the feeling of being an omega. He didn't want to be an omega. Everyone looked down on them as weak. Knucklehead alphas believed that omegas were only good for bearing their pups and being their little housewife. Bakugou wasn't gonna have any of that.

Bakugou stops at the entrance of Toga's school. Little kids made their way inside with friends, goofing off and being obnoxious. You know, things little kids do. He leans down and kisses the top of her head, in the middle of her zig-zagged part. "I'll see you later loser", he mumbles. Toga punches him in the leg, but it didn't even faze him. "I'm not a loser! You are!"

     Bakugou's brow twitched in irritation as he glares down at Toga. "Just shut up and go so I don't be late."

     Toga puffs her cheeks out and hugs him, "byyyeee", she says vehemently. He flicks her ear and watches as she runs towards her friends. His smile dropping subtly as he turns and makes his way to Aldera Junior High.

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