Prologue 3.0🌻 The Madame of Luxueux

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Before you start reading the chapters. It is going to be talking about how Katsuki and the others (you'll see in this chapter) are going to be under training until they hit a certain age.

I just want to inform you that they will NOT be engaging in sexual intercourse with any of the guests during this time period!

I want that part to be clarified before people just start making assumptions.

I hope this story has been enjoyable so far. The prologue is starting to drag on a bit, but I don't want this new version of the old book to become trashy like that one. So it shall drag on!

     "Madame Lucille? Are you in there?" It was silent on the other side of the door. Kayama raises a brow, she knew the woman was usually in her room around this time. Where could she be? "Are you looking for Madame Lucille?" Kayama and Bakugou turn to a girl was long jet black hair and dark grey eyes. Bakugou guesses that she was around his age. "Have you seen her Yaoyorozu", Kayama asks the young girl.

     Yaoyorozu hums, "yes. There has been an issue with a couple of the male customers in the bath house. She's dealing with that now." Yaoyorozu looks over at Bakugou and smiles, "are you new here?" The boy scoffs as he looks away from her. Lady barks at Yaoyorozu in his defense. "No. She just dragged me here, now she wants me to meet some mad–ouch!" Kayama swiftly lands a slap to the back of his head, eye twitching as she was now beyond annoyed. "I didn't mind leaving you outside in the rain. But Yu was so persistent to bring you here! Be grateful!"

     "I can take him off your hands Nemuri-san", Yaoyorozu chirps, "while he waits for the madame I can introduce him to the others."

     "Thank you Yaoyorozu. I have to get these rolls of fabric out of my arms. They're killing me."

      "What?! You're seriously gonna leave me with a stranger", Bakugou asks loudly.

     "Oh hush you! She's a great role model, now get going I have places to be." Kayama turned on her heel and walked down the corridor gracefully. The omega didn't even get the chance to shout after her. Yaoyorozu taps his shoulder, "I'm sure you wanna meet the others now." Bakugou didn't, he didn't give a shit about anyone else other than his family. But he was going to humor the girl, so he went ahead and followed behind her. He stayed silent through the whole stroll, Yaoyorozu basically talking to herself as she asked him questions that were unanswered.

They stop and stand at a dark grass green door. Loud voices could be heard in the other side. Nobody had to tell him that this was where the others were. Yaoyorozu opens the door, the room was lit by the crackling fireplace. And inside of the room were kids his age, one seemed slightly younger. Everyone stopped their conversations to stare at him, he stared back at them. "Everyone. We have a newcomer", Yaoyorozu says cheerfully, "his name is...what's your name again?"

"Tch! I didn't even tell you, it's Katsuki Bakugou. Don't forget it! And I am not a newcomer."

One girl laughs, her hair wild and full of fluffy pink curls. "Damn! This boy is feistier then an angry cat." She then gasps at the sight of the small puppy in his arms. She jumps up from the bed and sprinted towards him. "Can I hold your puppy!? Can I? Please please please~!"

"N-No! I don't know you so why should I feel comfortable with you doing that?!" Another girl with long green hair pulls Mina back. The beta sent him an apologetic smile, "sorry about Mina. She can get vey hyper at time. My name is Tsuyu, but you can call me Tsu." She then begins to introduce everyone.

He knew Yaoyorozu. Which he now found out that she was an alpha.

  Mina was a beta. But her dominant nature was very alpha-like.

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