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Emery was leaning up against JJ's chest in the back of the van along with Pope and Kiara while John B and Sarah were up front. The ride had been mostly quiet, since everyone was still in shock from the events in the last few hours.

"They keep money out here?" Pope asked, feeling uneasy as to where they were driving through. Emery for the first time this entire ride looked out the window to see they were driving through the definition of sketch. She had been to busy focusing on playing with the rings on JJ's fingers.

"That's what she said. Ha, that's what she said." JJ said laughing at himself, as Emery relaxed back up against his chest.

"Stop!" Pope yelled, cutting off JJ.

"I've never even heard of Resurrection drive." Sarah said looking back.

"Cause you're-" JJ started, but was interrupted by Emery as she put her hand on his mouth.

"None of us have." Emery said looking back at Sarah and removing her hand from JJ's mouth.

"There's nothing but weeds back here." Kie said.

"Just because it's weeds doesn't mean-." JJ said trailing off not believing himself anymore. Everyone's doubtful thoughts were caught off by a sound of sirens behind them.

"Cops" Kie asked turning around. Emery's head perked up at the sound so she sat up straighter where she was able to see outside.

"God. Are you kidding me?" JJ yelled.

"J, calm down." Emery said putting her hand on his leg in attempts to calm him down

"What'd we do?" Sarah asked.

"Nothing. We didn't do anything." Emery said getting off of JJ to sit up.

"Stash that. Did you bring the gun?" John B said to JJ, causing Emery's breath to hitch in her throat.

"No everyone told to me to leave it." JJ confirmed, Emery sighing out in relief.

"Thank God! Is there anything else in your bag?" Kie yelled in relief. Everyone in the back began to panic and try to put the bag away before the cop came up to the car. They were all interrupted with the sound of a gun right outside the front window

"Why don't you go ahead and put those hand up in the air right now." the man said, making John B slowly raise his hands

"JJ." Emery whispered looking to the boy. He interlocked both of their hands, hoping to calm teh both of them.

"Yeah Why don't I just see all of y'alls hand in the air." the man yelled as he pointed the gun all through the car. Everyone instantly put their hands up slowly, all shaking as they did so. "Come on get out of the car, Let's go! Let them out." The man yelled to John B. He quickly walked over to the car and opened up the side door. All the girls got out with Pope and JJ following behind them.

"We're broke-" JJ started trying to convince the man to let them go, but didn't end successfully causing both of them to start yelling at each other.

"J, please." Emery whispered carefully putting her arm on his trying to get him to shut up. Finally he stopped yelling back at the dude, but he hadn't stopped.

"Lay down in the ditch! Lay down in the ditch!" The man repeated aiming the gun at the group as they all slowly in a line sunk to the ground. "On your hands and knees. Down! Put your face on the ground. Don't let me see you look up! aight?" The man yelled walking off to the van.

Emery was trying to not have a breakdown right there, but she couldn't control her entire body shaking from fear. JJ put the hand closest to her slowly on her arm trying to comfort the girl as best he could without making the man go of again. Emery could tell JJ was angry and scared by the clench of his jaw and the tight grip on her arm.

"Just shut up guys." Kie said, tears filled in her eyes.

"We're not even talking, Kiara." Emery snapped. She felt bad after for snapping, but at the time she really didn't care and knew that Kie would know she was mad at her.

"The old bat shanked us." JJ said, starting to whisper-yell cuss words and slam his hand into the ground in attempt to get his anger out. Emery looked over when she heard Sarah whispering something about to yell at her to shut up until she saw John B standing up.

"John B, what are you doing." Emery said, almost standing up to stop him but stopped when JJ put his arm on hers. 

"John, don't be a hero man." Pope whispered, trying to help Emery in convincing him to stop.

"What does he think he's going to be able to do?" Emery whispered to JJ. JJ ignored her question, not really having an answer and to busy trying to figure out how they could get out of this.

"Alright, now y'all just stay just like that. Do you want your brains blown out all over this road? Don't move your heads, okay?" The man yelled walking over to the car with their gold in his hands.

"Come on John B. Come on." Emery whispered, waiting to see what her best friend was about to do. Emery saw two figures in the car fighting, the dude with the gun and John B. Before she could react JJ was already up and running to the car, the rest of them snapping out of their fear and following.

Emery had run up behind JJ and Kiara after both of them had been hit out of the way and the man was turned around about to go after John B again who was down. She panicked for a second but quickly grabbed the mans back of his shirt and turned him around. She punched his gut making him double over to then she kicked him in the balls where he crumbled to the ground. 

"I got the gold!" Pope yelled running to the other side o the car where the rest of the pogues were. Sarah reacted to the man who had just fallen to the ground and grabbed the car door where she slammed it into the man twice. 

"You son of a bitch!" Kie yelled after kicking him again. JJ walked over and pulled his mask down to where they could see his whole face.

"I know this shit head." JJ yelled, slamming his hand into his thigh

"He probably sells to my brother." Sarah sighed.

"He sells coke to my dad." JJ said, clenching his jaw. Emery glared at the guy who was sitting their.

"Aight I could've hurt any one of y'all-" The guys started but was caught off by JJ slamming something onto the guys face. They all screamed at JJ to calm down and just to leave, but he went digging through the dudes pockets to find his wallet.

"We got one last stop." JJ said throwing the wallet down and walking over to the van. Emery and John B made eye contact knowing this wouldn't end well.


Okay so new chapter!! But I have a question for the new book. It's going to be another JJ fanfic because I'm obsessed, but I'm stuck between two story lines. Would y'all like a new girl to come in or would you want an old pogue that left to come back? I've been stuck and can't decide which one so I need y'alls help!

Hope y'all have a nice day, bye love!

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