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"Okay so what's the plan?" Emery asked sitting on the HMS Pogue on the Cameron's dock.

"Oh I know, we just go up the their front door and ask 'hey have you seen John B'?" JJ said sarcastically.

"Look, he lived at tannyhill, now. It's plausible. We can play dumb." Kie said trying to finish the plan she came up with.

"Play dumb?" JJ asked, like he thought she was stupid

"I've never seen John B like that. We should honestly be going to the cops." Kie said.

"Kie, Wards gotta already have a lie made. They probably wouldn't care anyways he's rich." Emery said, motioning towards the huge yacht and house in front of them.

"Yeah and say what, Kie? What about our friends? He went off on a rampage cause Ward Cameron killed Big John? Like they're not gonna believe us." JJ said as Pope grabbed the binoculars and looked into the house.

"Hey I see Ward." Pope said handing the binoculars to Kie.

"Doesn't look dead to me. Let's go home." Pope said walking back to start the boat.

"What?" Kie asked whipping around and taking the binoculars away from her eyes.

"I mean he looks fine and even if John B was here he isn't now. Look I have the biggest, most important moment in my life in six hours." Pope said referring to his scholarship interview that he worked his whole life for.

"Yeah, well out friend if in trouble." Kie said. JJ and Emery looked at each other knowing that this was going to end up with a fight and their were going to be stuck there.

"I'm in trouble. I haven't been home in three days. My dad's probably put all my shit on the street by now." Pope said looking down.

"okay so that's it? The time we need you you're just gonna bail and walk away?" Kie yelled to Pope.

"Okay guys, can we not do this right now." JJ said putting his hands on his head and to stop them before it got worse.

"Kie you know he's passionate about this. He's worked his whole life for this you gotta see where he's coming from." Emery said trying to get Kie to see where Pope was.

"Oh so now you're on his side." Kie said, turning to Emery and tilting her head.

"No that's not what I mean." Emery said but before Kie could say anything Pope cut her off.

"Kie, I have a scholarship interview in the morning I can-" Pope started before getting cut off by Kiara.

"Okay well what about John B?" Kie asked.

"Why is it always about John B?" Pope said hitting the boat out of anger.

"It's not always about John B. You're stupid it would be any of you guys in this situation. This is about friendship. This is about pogues for life." Kie yelled motioning to Emery and JJ.

"What about Forensic Pathology? That's my life, that's everything I worked for!" Pope yelled, both of them walking up to each other in a yelling fit.

"Stop the moral high ground bullshit!" Pope yelled in Kiaras face, making Kie go quiet.

"Pope come on!" JJ yelled for the boy to stop.

"No no she has no room to talk. Where were you when Big John went missing? You weren't there. You weren't there for John B, you weren't there for any of us! Remember your kook year." Pope said to Kiara, calming himself down in the middle.

"Come on y'all." Emery said, sitting next to JJ and playing with his rings, to help with the awkwardness, her and JJ were feeling, seeing their best friends fighting.

"Yeah, you forgot about us." Pope said, ignoring Emery's protests. Kie reacted quickly and shoved Pope which created both of them to start pushing and screaming at each other. Emery and JJ both stood up quickly and reacted, stepping in between them to stop them.

"Yo yo cut it out okay?" JJ yelled pushing pope away from kie.

"Both of you shut up!" Emery yelled standing in between Pope and Kie.

"If I'm one of the ones mediating, we've hit rock bottom Bowel, now. Go! Pope I'll drop you off." JJ said, starting the boat.

"And no one talks! Just take a second to think about what you two have done." Emery said, trying not to laugh and walking next to JJ to lean on the bar. "I feel like a parent." Emery whispered into JJ's ear laughing.

"I know it's kinda fun." JJ whispered back, pecking her lips and driving the boat away from the Cameron's.


Emery was trying to sneak back into her house without making any noise so her Aunt wouldn't hear her. Usually her Aunt would be fine with her not coming home, but three days with no contact, she'd freak and Emery really didn't want to see that.

"So you're home." Kara said sitting in the chair in the living room with all the lights off. She turned the lamp on right beside her, like you see in those movies. Emery would have laughed if she were in any other situation, but she felt now wasn't the time.

"Yeah Kara i'm rea-" Emery sighed hooking her keys onto a hook beside the door where she always kept it.

"Nope! I don't want to hear it." Kara yelled interrupting her. "You do not get to come in here for the first time in three days and act like you haven't done anything. I thought you were dead or worse! I would have called the cops, but I'd rather not have to go through you possibly going into foster care because they think I'm not fit to take care of you again." Kara yelled. 

Emery had ended up with the cops once or twice right when she had just moved in with her aunt. DCS got suspicious and wanted to come check it out to see why that she had just started to do all these crazy things and they had thought it as because of Kara so they had to go through this whole court case which almost didn't end good for them. After that Emery finally snapped back into her old self worried she would lose Kara and her home in the Outer Banks with her friends.

Emery just stared at Kara not knowing what to say. She knew that Kara would be worried, but she didn't know this worried. She tried to keep her cool and not start to tear up wanting to be strong for her, but she couldn't keep them long.

"I'm so sorry Kara." Emery said walking up to Kara and pulling into a hug. She quickly wiped the one tear that had fallen before pulling away from the hug.

"I know you are, just don't do it again. I can't lose you too." Kara said putting both of her hands on the side of Emery's face. Emery knew that Kara was referring to loosing Derek, her usband and not wanting to lose Emery also

"And you won't." Emery smiled.

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