I'm terrible I know.

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Yeah, I know.  I have not been writing another part of this story even though I said I would.  I'm terrible.  

I am sorry that I haven't been writing this at all.  I am currently working on another chapter at the moment, but I cannot confirm when I will be publishing it.   I won't say that writing is hard because, for me, it is not.  Writing is such an easy hobby for me as well as art.   However, I guess keeping up with Wattpad is a hard task for me.  I can't really give an answer on why.  

I really don't want to give out excuses, but I do agree that I need to explain why I haven't been on.  

I am not the only writer on this account.  I am the one ho created it, I am the one who has the responsibility of now all the stories I never knew were once written.  This story and another I have just written were my ideas.  For those who do not know, this used to be a group account until some kind of drama happened.  I won't get into detail about that.  That drama lead to me kicking many many people out of my life, and so brings me to being the only person on this account.  

I will say that I had forgotten about Wattpad more than one occasion.  School was my biggest issue, but now I graduated.  I do not have a job just yet, but am working around my house.   The main reason is because I am about to be living on my own.  My parents, dad being in the military, are being PCAing (moving) somewhere else.  They have agreed to leave the house to me.   I guess I would say that I've been really distracted on the responsibilities that I didn't do any writings.    Yeah all of this sounds like an excuse, and I guess they are.  

I am really trying to get back on track and write up this story to please you guys.  I do really enjoy writing.   I love to entertain people.  I love to do something good for others.  And with the virus happening, I think this is a good way to bring some good content for others that are interested in this kind of stuff.  You guys are great and I love reading your comments.  Seeing those responses from you guys really make my day.  I do everything I can to get more chapters out and to fix up the other chapters as I noticed a good amount of mistakes, oops.  

Don't forget also that you can submit, or message me your story ideas for future chapters.  Also, don't forget to take a look at another new book I am writing.  I'm calling it a book since it has many short stories.  The Wild Stories of Karen' s and Neckbeards.  I share my own stories, made up stories that are based on real life experiences, and I can even share stories that you have.  You can also contact me on my social media which is in my profile.  

Make sure to spread love, positivity, and care.   If you protest, please do it safely.   Do not send hate, or share hate.  Do not hurt anyone physically or verbally.  Stay safe, donate, spread some love.  Share your favorite things.  Comment what you love, it can be random.

Support Black Live Matter.  

Love you guys!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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