"A stranger I love"

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I hate the magazines,
They introduced you to me.
Now I can not get
a good sleep at night,
Without thinking about
you for a while.

I have never seen you,
But all I can do
is hope and pray,
that you are what your pictures
say you are.

I agree with what
Author Neal Maxwell observed,
"Wouldn't it be interesting
If what was on the inside
Of a person were revealed
on the Outside?
Then we'd know
Who the truly beautiful people
Of the world are."

You look perfect,
But of course,
No human is perfect.
You look like you have a kind heart,
Like the Samaritan in the scriptures,
But I don't know if all you do
Is make the most loving people
Never wanna love again.

You look calm and peaceful,
Like the beautiful blue sea at peace.
But what I don't know,
Is if all you do is wage war
against people.
You look strong,
Like the heroine who fought hard,
to stop the killing of twins.
But what I don't know
Is if weaklings are much more
Stronger than you are.

Your eyes look innocent,
Like they're filled with love
But I don't know if all you do
Is hate at just a glance.
Your body looks like a place,
Where The Creator can dwell in.
But what I don't know,
Is if you've destroyed it,
with the things of this world.

I call you stranger
Because that is who you are to me.
I really wish that what was  on the inside
Of a person could be revealed
On the outside.
Then I'd know
how beautiful you  truly are,
Even without meeting you.

You know What?
I have news for you.
To me, you're much more
than just a stranger.
You're a stranger I can't
stop thinking about.
You are a stranger that widens
my smile,
You are a stranger that controls
my emotions.

You are a stranger I love.
As long as I live,
And as long as I still love you,
I will find you...
My stranger.

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