After many years of living
without the word,
I settled down to see the word.
I was determined to study it for
an hour or two.
So I set the timer,
To make sure my goal was met.I started with chapter and verse one
Of the very first scripture.
On my way down to verse two,
My doorbell rang.
"Come in",
I said from my study room.Behold!, it was Lisa,
Someone I used to know.
" what are you doing? " ,
She inquired as she laughed.
I felt ashamed of myself,
for studying the word.
I quickly paused the timer ,
Obviously embarrassed.These were her words;
"Let's go make Merry, leave the word
for some preacher or priest."
I jumped up and stole a glance
at my timer.
I had spent Just a minute
reading the word.
"There'll always be a next time."
she said...., Like she had read meaning
to my guilt - filled face.On our way to make merry,
Hell broke loose.
The unexpected took place
Which led Lisa to her early grave,
Leaving me disabled.
So Lisa was right,
There truly was a next time.
Not for her but for me.I see this as a second chance
i do not deserve.
What if I had died
with the woman i used to know?
So today I'll move around
In my chair with wheels.
I'll tell the world about the scriptures,
for two hours or three.
And this time,
Not even a thousand Lisa(s)
can stop me.
Poetry.............. You are much more than just a stranger, You are a stranger I love.........