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That's what you look like.
Name:Y/N L/N

Mother:Maya L/N *dead *
Father: Shinsou L/N *unknown*

*age 6*
Dad said that mom died protecting us when I was a baby. I wonder why? "Sweetie we have to go out for a little bit." I wonder what dad needs to go out for? "Before we go..." He handed me a box. A red and white box of playing cards, but I feel a strange aura coming off the cards. "Papa?" I ask him with a questioning look. "These are the spirit cards. Each card has its own power and personality. I need you to become strong for me and mama... ok?" He asked. "S-sure but w-what about y-you?" I say tears filling my eyes. "Y/N... what's your favorite card?" He asked me. "T-the king o-of hearts." I say smiling tears still welling up. "Ok repeat these words." "Ok" "I summon you the king of hearts to my side" "..." "I summon you, the king of hearts to my side!" But after I said that more words popped into my head "obey my call and stand before me!" My father hands me a mirror and I can see that my normal E/C eyes were now glowing gold my H/C hair is now white. I look up to see a card float from its box.

Then standing before me was the king of hearts. "You called mistress~" "Take me far from here. Anywhere else but here." "But of course mistress~" He said as he picked me up and carried me away.

After hours of running here finally stopped. "S-so do you have a name I should address you as?" "No ma'am, but you may name me if you wish ~" You sat and quietly thought of a name as he watched you. "Henry the king of hearts." He began to glow red.

A girl and her cardsWhere stories live. Discover now