The liquid and fear

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The sickly sweet smelling liquid coming from my body is...blood. A voice announced the total people who made it. "I need you to put me down..." I told illu-nii and He hesitantly put me down. "I need...*Cough* to find ki-chan...*Cough cough *.." I informed them as more of the burning liquid poured from my face. I don't listen to what they have to say,and just run into the crowd infront of me. *Cough cough* I tried to wipe the red liquid from my face as more poured out. "Y/n? Is that you?" Someone asked from behind me. "Y-yeah..*Cough* it's me...*Intense hacking* d-don't worry about me." I could feel the blood dripping down my neck. "Are you alright?" Mama asked. I quickly started to wipe the blood. 'Please don't let them see! Please if there is a god let them hear my prayer!" I pray silently as I wipe and wipe my blood. "Let me see sweety." Kurapika said as he kneeled infront of me and tried to move my blood stained hands. "Oh my!" He said with a shocked look. "I-I'm fine..d-don't worry a-about it." I told him and turned away from him. "At least let leorio help stop the bleeding..." I nod and follow him, making sure to keep a grip on his hand. "Hey kura-Omg! What happened!" Leorio shouted as he ran towards us. "Um..a m-medical c-condition..." He rapped a silk bandage around my head,it covered and put slight pressure on my eyes, nose, and ears. "Arigato *Cough* papa." A large door opened and the sun's warm rays spilled in slowly. We all went out and they said something about getting our numbers in order that we arrived. Since I came first I walked over and drew my card. "H-hello.." That's the guy who was on the speaker. I lean closer so that my mouth was right next to his ear. "Your not afraid of a 'innocent, delicate' little girl like me are you?" He started to shake and fear was clear in his eyes, so clear that you could see it without even trying. "H-honestly,yes! I a-am very a-afraid of y-you!" He said and looked as if he saw a ghost. I skipped back into the crowd. "What did you guys talk about? He looks ready to pee himself!" Kilos said with a snicker. "He's afraid of me and I don't know why." He sweat at what I said. "I can see why!" He said and stepped back. "You're not going to enjoy the hunter exam for much longer..k-i-l-l-u-a z-o-l-d-y-c-k~" He froze as I skipped away.

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