The exam pt.6?

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*y/n's pov *
"I'm fine! I promise!" I told him and he seemed to calm down slightly. "I'm kurapika." He said as he smiled a motherly smile. "I'm leorio." The guy who yelled at us told me. "Mmhmm." I said deep in thought as I ran. "I got it!" I said out loud. "Kura-chan you remind me of a momma so I'm gonna call you that!" I told him smiling and turned to leorio. "Le-chan you remind me of either a greedy uncle or a dad so I'm gonna call you papa-chan." I giggled to them as they blushed slightly. I look at gon and giggle somemore. "Gon I'm gonna call you nii-chan!" I smile as they all giggle. "I'm going to the front mama-chan!" I said as I turned to him and papa-chan. "Alright just be careful!" He called as both nii-chan and ki-chan looked shocked. "Ok!" I said before gliding away. I glided passed a lot of bodies and contestant every now and then I'd stop by a body and incourage then to push themselves to keep going. I pull my cards from my pocket because they sounded worried. "You're being watched!" I nod and told them I'd be ok as I put them back into my pocket. I saw a tall guy that like a jester. I skate over to him and smile. "Are you a jester or magician?" I asked him and he looked at me shocked. "I'm a magician ~." He said and I giggle having been right. "My names y/n what's yours mr?" I giggle out. "I'm hisoka." He said as he bent down so we were sort of the same height. "You're so tall, like a giraffe while I'm over here like a baked bean!" I complained and pouted at him he just laughs at me.

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