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You panted for air as you ran across the street, ignoring the people as they complained. Your senses were telling you to run and not turn back. Someone was after you.

It's been a long time since you felt this... the cold crawling on your back, the chains shackling your foot to the ground, the hands clawing on you, the voices screaming at you...

Fear. You were scared.

You haven't felt this for more than ten years.

'No... that child is gone now... it's just me... here...' You thought as you caught your breath, hiding from whoever was chasing after you. 'And it isn't that person either... there's no way... I lost that person back in Niigata...'

You dropped to the ground, holding into your chest as you wheezed for air. It was hard to breathe, your whole body hurts. You had a cold thanks to what happened last night. At this point you'll need something to use your quirk on or it'll be you next.

"Look around! She shouldn't be that far off!" You heard someone shout.

You stood back up again, coughing for air, but you ignored it and took another route that led you to the backstairs of a building. It was dark and you couldn't see anything, so you just closed your eyes and navigated in the dark. You're used to it anyway.

But with your cold, it was hard as you kept stumbling on things before you finally got a hold of it and pulled it down. Once you were up, you pulled it back and climbed the stairs, ignoring your need for air.

Once you were on the top of the building, you dropped to the ground, coughing and wheezing. You got rid of your blindfold, tying it to your hand. You looked around, looking for anything, something to get rid of your quirk.

There were a few plants here. So you turned those to stone. Slowly, the green, lively plants started to turn grey and they shattered.

You stood up, your legs wobbly and weak, but you still managed. You went over to the edge, inspecting for the people that's been following you. There were a lot more than you imagined.

You sat down on the floor to calm yourself and get yourself together before trying to run again. You rested your head on the wall, staring at the starry sky. It's been a long time since you saw the sky.

'Ah... they really are amazing... doing everything to catch me...' You thought, listening to the footsteps. 'But...' You stood up when you heard voices. 'I'm not done yet... not until I'm satisfied with my anger... not until I can survive without the fear and anger...'

You couldn't let yourself get captured until then.

You looked over the next building. It wasn't that far. There wasn't anyone below. You could make this jump. You stepped back, ran as fast as you could and jumped, barely managing to get across. 'I could've done that better if I was okay...'

You leaned into the door at the top, listening for anyone. There wasn't anyone there. You rattled the door, locked. You sighed and glanced at the doorknob, it slowly turned grey. You closed your eyes when it was starting to spread. You reached for the doorknob to break it, and when you were-

"Shh, it's me." Shinso said from behind you. His presence almost made you scream and petrify him on instinct, but the thing that was around your torso would make it impossible to do so. "(Y/N)-san... please come with me..."

"...Sorry... Shinso-san... But I already told you why I can't go..." You shut your eyes, holding into the knob and began to slowly destroy it. You felt a warm hand on your hand, stopping you from destroying the knob. 'You had your chance to capture me before... but I can't give you another free one...'

"Please, I won't give you to the police. we're to bring you to U.A." He said, loosening your hand. "Please..."

'Ah... what should I do...' You asked yourself, letting your hand fall to your side. 'A hero is asking me to go with him politely... but I already gave him his chance...' "Shinso-san... I don't deserve to be saved... I'm a horrible person... I can't let you and your dear school be in trouble..."

Shinso grit his teeth. How was he going to do this? He really wanted to take you with him. He saw a light within your darkness and he wanted to protect that light. But it was so dim and weak. Was it impossible?

"HEY! I SEE PEOPLE OVER THERE!!" A voice caught yours and his attention, making him turn to peek.

"Shit. Come on." He said, letting go of the restraints on your body and taking your hand and running over to the edge. Once he was there, he picked you up and jumped to the next roof. "Hold on tight, I don't want you to fall down, or it'll be on me."


Once you two were far enough, Shinso let go of you on the ground as he panted for air.

"Shinso-san, you can go now." You said, walking off, looking at the ground for your path. It was mostly grassy. Maybe you were in a park or you were on the outskirts of the city. "I can go now. Please leave and forget me... it'll be easier for you to live not knowing me..."

"I'm not an ignorant brat!" He exclaimed loudly, making you stop on your tracks. "Look, when I first met you, you hurt me, yes, but you didn't kill me!"

"And I've killed other people." You said, closing your eyes just in case this boy decided to jump in your sight. "You were lucky to be a hero. I didn't want to kill heroes... they... protect..."

"You want to protect the innocence of the children that were being abused and mistreated by adults." What he said struck a chord on you. It was... your wish. Your purpose of living.

Did you really want to relieve your anger or... protect what you couldn't have?

...No. Your purpose stays the same. To get rid of your hatred. To kill those who are like those two. To get rid of their kind. To satisfy yourself.

"Please, leave me alone before I do something I might regret." You said, the gentleness in your voice was gone. You began walking again, but something caught your arm. It was the same thing from the roof. "Shinso Hitoshi. Let go."

"I'm sorry. I don't want you to die."

You grit your teeth, anger coursing your body. This boy should've stayed innocent and ignorant of your existence. He should've stayed in his home, with his loving parents. Under a roof filled with love and care.

"Don't speak to me like you know me." You growled, holding the capture item of the hero and dragging him close to you. "I'm sorry. You should've done what I first told you. You shouldn't let yourself be involved with a thing like me. Leave the dirty things to us creatures and live with the bliss of ignorance! It's what people like you deserve!"

You opened your eyes, but there was no one there. You gasped when you felt something go around your eyes, arms, and mouth, it was the same capture weapon.

You tried to move your arms, but it was no use.

"Sorry, but we just want to protect you."

You felt yourself feeling drowsy, and before you knew it, you fell to something warm.


"See, this is why I told you to never leave me... now you got yourself caught..." The hooded figure sighed as he scrolled through the news of his phone. "You really had me chasing something only to lead me to nothing... placing a clue in Niigata, saying you'll be in Aomori... the troubles I had to go through to buy a ticket... only to find out that you were back in Musutafu half way through the trip..."

'Still... U.A. huh... looks like they got into quite a scandal just for you...' He sighed, turning off his phone and placing the phone back on the table that seemed to have a red stain. 'I'm gonna have trouble taking you from there... but it'll be worth it...' "Just to see you again~" 

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