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Late is better than never :'D


You are (Y/N), someone who was abandoned at the age of five, left alone, without adult supervision, and naturally, you didn't go to school or any of those things. So...

"I don't know how to read." You said when Present Mic called you to read. Present Mic stood in front of the boar, a confused expression on his face, along with your classmates. "I never got proper academic education, if you're wondering. English isn't my forte. I can read a few words, but I don't know what they mean."

"..." Mic took a deep breath as he placed his book down gently and went to the door. "I'm going to get someone, you stay there, listener!"


"That is indeed a problem..." Nezu muttered as you sat on the couch, a few teachers in front of you. You could recognize some of them, there's Eraserhead, Midnight, Present Mic, except for the last two. Someone with a coat and a very big guy with fur. "We'll have her an IQ test... then we'll see what type of education we can give her..."

"But even so, this is already high school..." Midnight added with a frown, her brows furrowing in worry. They decided to nurture you and turn you into someone better. But how were they going to do it when you couldn't even read. "(Y/N), can you read hiragana and katakana?"

"I can." You answered with a nod, pointing to a few words on the paper in front of you. "I can read them perfectly fine... but I can't read these ones..." You said, pointing to the more complicated words on the paper. "And I can't read english well."

"I see..." Nezu muttered, taking the paper and looking over the words that you pointed out. "Then, we'll have you take a little test, is that alright with you, (Y/N)?"

"It's fine." You replied with a nod.


You sat on the sofa, munching on some food Midnight gave you after doing the test they gave you. It was quite tasty, it was cake. You could sense them from the other room, speaking and completely baffled, for some reason.

'Maybe I did very horrible.' You thought, recalling your test. You could understand a few of the things they tested you in, it was just some logical questions and you weren't allowed to use a calculator, or use a spare paper or anything like that. 'Well, I'm not exactly the brightest people out there...'

And just on cue, the door burst open and came in Nezu, Eraserhead, Midnight and the two from before. Their names were Ectoplasm and Hound Dog, from what you heard. They looked both confused and... amazed. Maybe you really did make a shitty job on the test.

"Were you thought of by anyone during your... time before here?" Nezu asked, sitting on the couch in front of you while the others stood behind him.

"No." You replied, finishing the cake and placing the plate on the table. "I simply didn't trust anyone to help me."

"Well, this is very surprising." Nezu chuckled, handing you some tea. "(Y/N), your total IQ is 128."

"Is it that bad?" You asked, tilting your head in confusion. You really have no idea what the average IQ is.

"No, it's good." Nezu answered. "Very good, actually... But all of the questions there, all of them... your answers on the mathematical side are not the brightest, but the logical questions... you're above average..."

"Now your only problem is reading and mathematics..." Aizawa said, reading through your test results. "But you don't seem to have much problems in mathematics... just a few miscalculations."

You learned to calculate things when doing... your job. So you're pretty used to doing calculations on your mind, but of course you're not the best there is. So a little miscalculation happens, and when it does, you just resolve it on the spot. For example, setting off the alarm, then just turn the alarm system into stone, done.

"So, (Y/N), you'll have quite the busy schedule." Nezu said with a smile. "You'll be having counseling sessions with Hound Dog every other day, then tutoring with Eraserhead. And if you want, we can have one of your classmates help you out."

"Yaoyorozu, Iida, Bakugo's out of the question, Midoriya, Todoroki. Those are the top five of the class." Aizawa said, glancing over to you. "They can help you out. Which one do you want?"

"I want Shinso-san." You answered without hesitation.

"Uh..." Midnight raised a brow, turning to Aizawa. "Is he good at teaching?"

"No." Aizawa answered with his brows furrowed, remembering the stressing moments he trained the boy. "He can't. (Y/N), pick from the ones I told you-"

"I want Shinso-san." You insisted, meeting eyes with him, your (E/C) snake eyes staring directly in his soul. He was about to argue again, but you cut him off. "I want Shinso-san."

"God- fine!" He exclaimed, heaving the biggest sigh in the century. He was not prepared to adopt so many children at once, now you were added to the mix. He marched out of the room as the other teachers chuckled.


"So, why did you pick me out of everyone?" Shinso asked as he sat on the chair in front of you. You two were back in the dorms, in your room to help you out. "I can't teach for shit, you know."

"The other options are too energetic for me." You answered, taking out the notebooks that Midnight gave you a while ago. "Yaoyorozu-san is fine, but I don't think I can keep up with her. Iida-san is too pushy. Aizawa-sensei said that Bakugo-san was out of the question. Midoriya-san is too muttery for me and Todoroki-san is... well, he doesn't seem like the type to be the greatest at teaching."

"But still, why me?" He asked, looking at the paper that Aizawa gave him. It was the subjects and topics you were gonna be studying to catch up to the class. Basically a whole ten years or something's worth of education. "And all of this... can you really do this much? It looks too much, even for Yaomomo, who's the top of the class."

"It doesn't seem too much..." You said, turning your book from where you and Aizawa finished off a while ago. "Aizawa-sensei said that they already reduced a lot of the subjects to only the necessary ones I need."

"...Are you secretly a genius?" He squinted his eyes at you. You tilt your head, not really getting why he would call you a genius. 'This are all... basically third year subjects... what the hell?'

"I'm not a genius. Nezu said I'm just above average." You reached a hand and poked his arm. "Let's study, Shinso-san."

"Alright, but don't expect too much from me."


That soft and tender touch held your hand like it was the most precious jewel in the world. Soft and affectionate eyes, staring at yours.

A person chasing behind you, wanting your attention and nothing more.

Just your affection and touch. Everything.

Just you.

"I'll do anything for you, (Y/N)... my (Y/N)..."


"..." You sat up in cold sweat as a familiar face made its way to your dreams. Your hand was gripping the covers tightly that it was shaking. You were panting heavily as your heart raced.

You stood up and marched to the bathroom, splashing your face with cold water. The cold water somewhat helped with your shiver as it woke up your nerves. You raised your head, your eyes clear and visible in the mirror.

Within a second, the mirror shattered, causing you to back on the wall. Soon, footsteps came running to your room , Momo and Asui arrived. And when they did, they helped you out of the bathroom.

You reached for your blindfold and placed it back on your eyes. "I-I'm fine..." You muttered, calming your nerves. "I'm fine..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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