part 23 💫 -

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You and Loki were friends years ago, when you were only kids. Your home realm was in danger at that time so you and your family were seeking refuge on Asgard. You were incredibly close, him always sneaking out to meet you. Once your home was safe to occupy again, you had to say your farewells and part ways.

In the present, Loki is hiding and chilling on Sakaar, enjoying the leisure. In the gossip-filled conversations, he hears that your home was raided and now obliterated. At first he only recognized the name, feeling himself become a little concerned but not understanding why. Right when he realized why it sounded so familiar, he heard an announcement welcoming everyone to the upcoming fight. The Grandmaster's enthusiastic voice introduces the new challenger from that exact realm and he sees your shaking form trip onto the battlegrounds. Though he's at a distance, he quickly recognizes your face, freezing with confusion, anticipation and utter fear. He leaps out of his seat and races towards the door, determined to get you out of your unfortunate predicament, when the Grandmaster gets in his way and makes him watch the match.

 He leaps out of his seat and races towards the door, determined to get you out of your unfortunate predicament, when the Grandmaster gets in his way and makes him watch the match

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A series of him watching your match, scared to death for your safety. Full of ups and downs, but you are definitely a resilient fighter, determined to stay alive.

 Full of ups and downs, but you are definitely a resilient fighter, determined to stay alive

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After what feels like hours and hours of fear, worry and amazement, you end up winning

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After what feels like hours and hours of fear, worry and amazement, you end up winning. Loki is beyond delighted, relieved and proud, unable to mask the excitement.

He quickly rushes out of the room before anyone can get in his way again

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He quickly rushes out of the room before anyone can get in his way again. He's completely taken over by adrenaline, excitement, relief and joy that he can barely run without tripping over himself. He frantically looks around the crowd and sees you trying to calm yourself down and getting comfort from your new pal Korg. He can't help but let out a wide smile, glad to see you again and, of course, to know you survived the fight.

Korg awkwardly notices Loki smiling at you from a distance

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Korg awkwardly notices Loki smiling at you from a distance.
"Uhm it looks like you got your first groupie, mate."
You finally turn to see what he's talking about and there's an adorable and sweet reunion filled with laughs and hugs.

(Hi there, so uh have these been getting too long ? Do you prefer the shorter ones that leave room for personalization or are long ones with more specific situations okay ? Or both or neither ? Thank you very much :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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