On My Own

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4 months later~

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4 months later~

Your 4 months pregnant with Tyler's baby. You wish that he was still here to help you with the baby. Mila is 6 months pregnant and the baby is not your brothers or Tyler's. You get up and look at your stomach in the mirror. You've been getting big.

Me and Cario have been dating for 3 months. He's really a sweetheart and you love him with all your heart. You walk to the kitchen and grab your some fruit. You sit on the couch and start eating. Someone knocks on the door and you go answer it. You see Cordell and let him in. He closes and locks the door

"You've been getting big everyday," Cordell said rubbing your stomach

"I know bro. I'm ready for he or she to come out"

"Don't say that now," he said

"What you been up to?"

"Nothing. Just focusing on school," he said

"I'm surprised but super proud for you bubby"

"Thanks. How you been feeling?," he asked

"Good so far. Cario is gonna adopt the baby once it's born"

"That's great sis. I'm happy for you and i almost forgot. I got some onesies and stuff for the baby," he said

"Thanks. When you gonna get you a girl though?"

"Whenever I'm ready. These hoes ain't shit," he said

"You right," you said laughing

"Well ight baby sis. Imma see you later," he said giving you a hug

"Okay. Be safe"

He nodded his head before walking out the door. You lock the door and go back to the room. You see Cario getting dressed

"Where you going bae?"

"Work," Cario said with an attitude

"I was just asking" you said playing with your fingers

"I'm just tired and i don't want to go to work," he said kissing you on your forehead

"Can you get me golden and regular oreos and some ice cream please?"

"Yea i got you mamas. I love you," he said

"I love you too bae. Have a good day"

He walked out the door and you went back to the room and got dressed in a midi tan dress with some black nike slides. You grab your keys, phone, and wallet and walk out the door. You go to your brothers apartment and unlock the door. You go to his room and knock on the door

"You wanna go to the mall with me?"

"Yea. Come on," he said

You both walk out the apartment building and get in your car. You start the car and drive towards the mall

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