Never Cared

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I decided to change Cordell's charater because the person I used does not have enough of pictures for me to use now

2:30 pm

I walked into Cordell's house with his and my baby's food

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I walked into Cordell's house with his and my baby's food. Jania was behind me. I looked in the livingroom and they were both knocked out on the couch. I sat the food down on the table and woke them up

"About time. You been gone for forever," Cordell said sitting up

"No I haven't"

Tiana sat up and looked at with her eyes low

"Where my food at?" Tiana asked

"Girl on the table," I said laughing in between my words

"Girl on the table," I said laughing in between my words

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I was watching Cordell eat and he was just so fine. He caught me staring and I looked down and bit my lip

"It's okay to stare beautiful," he said winking at me and smirking

I smiled to myself, "Sorry"

"No need to be sorry. I also find you attractive," he said before walking into his hallway and I assume to his room

"You like him don't you?" Genesis asked

"Maybeeee," I said dragging the e

"Girl it's okay. I don't care," she said smiling

"Auntie J got a crush on Uncle Dellllll," Tiana said

"Girl don't say that," I said tryna keep Tiana quiet

"Auntie J can you take me to the park tomorrow?" Tiana asked

"Tiana you know you gotta go to your dad's tomorrow," Genesis said

I went down the hallway and went into Cordell's room and heard water running. I walked into the bathroom assuming he was in the shower. I saw him standing there naked. I screamed and covered my eyes

"I'm sorry. I just came to say goodnight"

"You good ma. Goodnight," he said and kissed me on the forehead

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