Chapter Two

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I quickly got up from Joe's lap and searched for my shirt. I couldn't bring myself to look at Drew, but I knew he was pissed.
'Katelyn, look at me,' he ordered. There was something in his voice that made me snap my head up. 'What the fuck is going on here?' I grabbed my shirt off the floor and put it on before beginning to speak, but Joe beat me to it.
'It was my fault, I kissed her and wouldn't let her go.'
'Well, I didn't see her fighting you off,' Drew spat. 'When are you going to stop coming between me and my wife, Joe? This little game you're playing is getting old now. If you're so unhappy in your own marriage, get the hell out of it, but leave mine alone.' Drew left the locker room, leaving me stood there, Joe got up off the couch and went after Drew. I buttoned up my shirt, tucking it into my skirt and followed the two men. It didn't take me long to find them. Drew had Joe up against a wall, ready to punch him.
'Drew,' I shouted, grabbing his arm. 'Don't do this, okay? It was a heat of the moment thing. I guess I felt sorry for him, after watching the announcement.'
'And you think that makes it okay? For God's sake Katelyn. You need to get yourself together.' Drew let go of Joe and began to walk away from me.
'Don't you dare walk away from me,' I yelled. Drew turned and looked at me. 'You think I don't know about your late night rendezvous with Galina? That when I'm in Hartford at HQ, you're banging Joe's wife behind my back. Maybe you're just pissed because you're the one who is actually cheating and you're looking to reflect that onto me and Joe to ease your conscience.'
'Wha..? How did you know?'
'Did you forget about the surveillance app I have on my phone? The one that we use to make sure that Beth and AJ are doing okay? When I was in LA the other week, I was checking that you had gotten home okay and saw you sneaking off next door, only to return 45 minutes later with lipstick on your face.'
'No, Andrew, I'm done with this. You need to decide what's more important to you. Your family or getting your dick sucked.' I walked away from him, down to gorilla, getting myself ready for the main event.
'You okay mama?' Heath came up and hugged me. 'I overheard what you just said to Drew and I can't believe it. All those nights you've called me up and said that you think he is seeing someone else and I told you that you were being being paranoid because you were working away a lot.'
'I should've known that I was never enough for him.'
'Hey, don't say that.'
'It's true though. Maybe it's my fault because I didn't want sex.'
'That's understandable though, you had a new baby and had to endure losing his twin brother. Sex should've been the last thing on your mind. Sure, you were newlyweds, but sex isn't everything. What started all that back there anyway?'
'Joe kissed me.'
'Oh Kate! He probably just needed a little bit of comfort after the announcement that he made. I'm not condoning what you did though. Are you still coming on the European tour?'
'I have to, I'm contracted to do it.'
'Well, you can always travel with me, Curtis and Bo if you want to.'
'I'll be okay. I guess I'm still gonna have to work with him, so I can't really avoid him.'
'Woah, why does it sound like you don't want to fight for him?'
'I'm not the one who should be fighting Heath. He should. After everything, he still thinks that it's me who's in the wrong.' Michael Hayes came over to me and told me that I was needed for a quick interview with Charley.
'Call me if you need anything,' Heath said as he walked away. I followed Michael down the corridor to the media lounge, where Dolph and Drew were stood waiting for me. I plastered a smile on my face and did the interview.
'Katelyn, what's your reaction to the news that broke earlier tonight?' Charley asked, thrusting the microphone in my face.
'Really? I couldn't give a damn about Roman Reigns. But you should all be on guard because Drew McIntyre is coming after that championship. Consider yourselves warned.' With that, I flipped my long brown hair over my shoulder and walked away. I turned down a deserted corridor and sat on one of the cases. I could hear footsteps running in my direction.
'Kate, can we talk?' I heard Drew say as he sat next to me on the crate. 'Look, I know I fucked up, again, but you know that you're the only woman for me.'
'You say that, yet you've been accusing me of cheating with Heath, Joe, even Adam and Austin, yet all I did was kiss 2 guys, one of which wasn't even my fault. What you saw back there was me trying to comfort him. Joe is still one of my best friends.'
'So you just decide to snog all of your friends now? First Heath, then Joe.'
'No, Drew, I don't. That's not who I am. You know what life was like for me when we were broken up and how sex is such a personal thing for me. I'm 30 years old and have only ever fucked one person. You! And I plan to keep it that way.'
'Are you forgetting what he did to you last year?'
'No, I'm not. And you, of all people, should know that sometimes second chances are a good thing. Look at us. Do you honestly think we would be where we are now if I hadn't have given you a second chance?'
'Probably not, no.'
'I'm ready to fight any bitch who tries to take you away from me and AJ. Remember our wedding vows. I'm yours and you are mine. Forever and always. That's how it's going to be. Andrew and Katelyn against the world. Now, we have a tag team match to lose, so let's get out there.'
'Okay baby.' Drew kissed me quickly, we both got off the travel case and made our way to gorilla.

I watched in horror from the commentary table as Dean snapped, turning on his best friend, Seth. They had just won the Raw tag team titles from Dolph and Drew and Dean had seemingly snapped, hitting Seth with his finishing move, the Dirty Deeds DDT. Dolph had left as soon as the match was over, but Drew was still down in the ring. He had told me to get out of the arena, but I couldn't bring myself to leave. I looked on as Dean turned to Drew and picked him up by his hair. Screw what Drew told me to do, I ran down to the ring, climbed between the ropes and got between Dean and Drew.
'I told you to leave,' Drew barked at me.
'Screw what you said. Dolph ran like the chicken shit that he is. Let me help you,' I replied.
'Oh, you think I wouldn't hit a woman?' Dean taunted. 'McIntyre, you think your bitch can save you? You're wrong.' Dean lunged for me, but I stepped to the side, causing him to go head first into the turnbuckle. I signalled for a microphone and was given one by one of the ring crew.
'Dean, you can't hurt me,' I pleaded.
'What makes you so sure I can't?' I looked at Drew.
'Because I'm pregnant.'

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