Chapter Ten

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Christmas had been and gone, we were now getting ready for a huge New Year's Eve party that we had been planning for a few months. All our friends had been invited, Charlie and Josh had flown in from England, Maxx had flown down from New York and a lot of Drew's work buddies were coming. Joe had text me earlier in the day to wish me a happy new year and to say he couldn't make the party because he was going to see his folks and his kids. Cary, the girl from the record store, was going to babysit AJ for us. She was a nice girl, reminded me a lot of myself when I was her age, and Drew liked her too. Most of all, AJ adored her.

'Babe, can you zip me up?' I called to Drew, who was in the bathroom, trimming his beard.
'Sure, just give me a sec,' came the reply. I slipped on a pair of peach flats while I waited and searched my jewellery box for the necklace that my parents gave me for my 21st birthday.
'Whatcha looking for?' Drew asked when he came into the bedroom. I turned to look at him. He had on a pair of black dress pants, that showed off his amazing ass, and an unbuttoned powder blue shirt. 'Wow, you look amazing.'
'I was just thinking the same about you. Have you seen the necklace my parents bought me for my 21st? I can't find it anywhere.'
'No, I haven't seen it in months.'
'Oh, I hope I haven't lost it.'
'Why not wear the locket I got you?' He pointed to the silver heart shaped locket in my jewellery box. Inside had 2 photos, one of me and Drew when we got engaged the first time and one of AJ a few minutes after he was born. He stood behind me , staring at me in the mirror. 'Is this dress new?' I shook my head.
'No, I made it myself.'
'You look absolutely beautiful baby,' he whispered in my ear. Taking the locket from me, I gathered my hair to one side and Drew fastened it in place around my neck. He then ran his finger down my spine, causing me to shiver from his touch, to the zip of my dress. 'I don't think I'm going to be able to keep my hands off you all night.' I bit my bottom lip, knowing that it would drive him crazy. 'Keep that up and I'll bend you over this dresser right now.'
'Don't make promises you aren't willing to keep baby.' He put his hand on my lower back and bent me over, sending some of my cosmetic bottles and hair products flying. With his free hand, he ran it underneath the skirt of my dress and palmed my clit through my tights and panties. My breathing hitched and I stifled a moan.
'Oh, it's not a promise, it's a threat, princess.' He removed his hand from between my legs, spanked my ass and helped me upright. He quickly zipped up my dress as I smoothed down the skirt.
'Guys, stop fucking. Guests are here,' Charlie yelled from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and headed out, leaving Drew with a very visible boner in his pants. I took the back staircase, quickly checking the spare bedrooms were ready for guests as I went.
'Hey guys,' I said when I entered the kitchen. Adam, Elias and Seth were helping themselves to beers. I hugged each of them in turn.
'Becky is outside,' Seth said, before I even had chance to ask him where my best friend was. I opened the French door, Bruce running straight out the door to pee, and squealed when I saw who was with Becky.
'Austin, I thought you couldn't make it?'
'Yeah, I decided that I needed to come and party with my girl,' he joked. He was nudged in the ribs by a dark haired woman. 'Oh, Kate, this is my girlfriend, Britt.'
'Hi,' I smiled warmly. 'Welcome to our home.'
'It's a little big, isn't it?' she drawled. 'Why would a family of 3 need such a big house?' I quickly walked back inside before I punched her.
'You aight mama?' Adam asked me. I grabbed a beer and sunk it in 30 seconds.
'That bitch. I'm a good person, right?'
'You're one of the nicest people I've ever met. Why?'
'Austin's girlfriend. "Oh, your house is too big for a family of 3, isn't it?" Man, I wanna punch her in her stupid horse face.' Adam chuckled.
'Yeah, we should've warned you about Britt the bitch,' Bobby said as he walked in with a case of beer, Kyle and Roddy behind him, each holding magnums of champagne. Bobby put the case on the kitchen counter and gave me a hug. 'Don't let her get to you. Now, we're here to party. I've brought some games that I thoight would be fun to play. They're in the trunk of my car.'
'Everyone is just catching up at the moment, so we can play later. Oh, there's a FIFA tournament going on in the games room, Heath and Tyler are currently hogging it though.' I heard my cell phone ring, so I went into my bag to get it out. Fishing it out of the pocket, I answered it. 'Beth, what the hell do you want?'
'Come.. out..,' she rasped. I hung up and ran through the house to the front door. I opened the door and ran outside, shouting her name as I searched the driveway. I found her slumped against Heath's truck, blood seeping through her top. Bending down, I looked at her and felt sick.
'Bethany, what happened?' I helped her into an upright position and gave her my cardi to help stem the blood flow.
'Katelyn, go inside. He's going to kill you. Randy is here.' She slid down and was on the floor again. Her eyes fluttered closed.
'Beth, talk to me.' I gently slapped her cheek. I dialled 911 and got an ambulance to come out. I heard voices floating through the air. 'Hey, over here,' I called. The Uso twins come running up the driveway to where we were.
'What the hell Uce?' Jimmy said, kneeling down on the other side of Beth.
'She called me and said she needed help, so I ran out and found her like this. Paramedics are en route, she's gonna have to go to the hospital. She said he's here to kill me,' I said, feeling nauseous again. The twins looked at each other and knew who I meant.
'Go back inside Kate, we got this,' Jey said.
'Can you tell Naomi where I am?'
'Yeah, sure Jim.' I stood up and started to walk up the drive. Taking another look at Bethany, I felt oddly compelled to embrace her one last time. I ran back and hugged my little sister. 'I love you Bethany. I'm so sorry for everything.' I kissed her forehead and left her with the twins. As soon as I walked back through my front door, a pair of arms snaked around my waist and picked me up. Screaming at the top of my lungs, half of my party guests looking at me as though I had gone insane, I thrashed against the person until I kicked them in the balls. They immediately released me.
'Fucking hell Kate,' Drew said. 'What the hell?' I turned to look at my husband, who was doubled over in pain, clutching his groin. 'Good job we're not having anymore kids.'
'Randy,' was all I could say before I fell to the floor and had a seizure.

When I came around, I was no longer in the entryway, but lay on the couch, several sets of worried eyes looking down at me. Drew had a wet face cloth pressed to my forehead.
'You scared me princess,' he said, taking the cloth off my face.
'Where is he?' I sat bolt upright and looked around. 'I have to get to the hospital.'
'Where's who? Why do you need the hospital? Baby, what's going on?'
'Kate's sister is on her way to the hospital, she's been stabbed,' Jey answered for me. 'Jimmy's gone with her. Orton is here. We saw his car parked down the block, but didn't think anything of it.' Drew stood up quickly and ran out of the house. I watched as he headed for the pool house, where Cary was with AJ. Seconds later, we all heard him yelling and Drew had restrained Orton, leading him back to the house.
'I don't want him near me,' I whimpered. Heath came and sat next to me, pulling me into his side.
'Don't worry darling, he won't get chance to get near you. I'm here,' Adam said. Drew came back into the living room and he forced Randy into the vacant chair.
'Don't you fucking move,' Drew warned. He turned to me and knelt down in front of me. 'Cary is calling the cops. They should be on their way.' My phone went off in my pocket. I fished it out and answered. Jimmy.
'Jim, what's wrong?' I said as soon as I put the phone to my ear.
'I'm so sorry Katelyn,' he sniffed. 'Bethany has gone. She didn't make it to the hospital.' I dropped my phone, stood up, walked to where Randy was sat and slapped him several times across the face. Then the tears came. I saw Cary walk in with AJ and I lost it. He could've hurt my baby.
'You.. you bastard,' I cried. 'You killed her.' I began beating his chest with my fists. 'You killed my baby sister. Why are you so intent on destroying me? What have I ever done to you?' I felt someone snake their arms around my waist and restrain me from behind. Looking behind me, I saw Austin looking really worried. I turned in his arms and cried into his shoulder. He smoothed my hair with his hand and guided me onto the cuddle chair.
'Let it all out baby girl,' he said into my hair. I felt another seizure coming on and asked for Drew. He ran straight over, AJ in his arms, and crouched down beside the chair. AJ made grabby hands at me, his way of saying he wanted a cuddle, but I couldn't risk him getting hurt. As my seizure took hold, I felt Austin release me slightly and I thrashed on his lap. It only lasted a few seconds, but it exhausted me. I watched Drew give AJ to Heath and he picked me up, carrying me upstairs and placed me on the bed, Adam, Austin and Finn close behind us.
'I'll go to the hospital and sort things out there, you stay here and rest. The police should be here shortly. You three stay here and don't let her go anywhere,' Drew ordered the 3 men.
'No worries boss,' Adam said, stationing himself at the balcony door. Austin lay next to me on the bed and Finn stood guard by the bedroom door. Drew kissed me on the head and then left me to cry on Austin's shoulder.

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