Chapter Seventeen

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I stood at gorilla, watching Joe's promo. The crowd was electric tonight, but they had no idea what was coming. Drew stood next to me, his hand drawing circles on the small of my back, looking very much in character. He didn't like the fact that he was gonna have to go out there in a few minutes and kick the taste out of Roman's mouth.
'And with that being said,' Joe said on the monitor. 'The Big Dog is back and I'm out for revenge. It seems a certain Scottish Psychopath has a problem with me for something that happened years ago. Drew McIntyre, get out here now, instead of hiding behind your Twitter account. ' That was our cue to go out.
'Hit my music,' Drew barked at the producer. Drew walked out from behind the curtain, me right behind him, microphone in hand.
'Well well well,' Drew started. 'First of all, Roman, welcome back. It seems the fans have missed you.' The crowd screamed. 'Second of all, you're the one who can't leave the past in the past. Just because you had a one night fling with my wife, 6 damn years ago, you think you have the right to face me in a match? Not bloody likely.'
'How about you stop cowering at the top of that ramp there, walk down to this ring and face me like a man?' I started walking toward the ring, as though I was hypnotised by Roman's words. Drew quickly grabbed my arm and dragged me back.
'Ouch, get off me. You're hurting me,' I pleaded with Drew. I could really tell that he didn't want to do this. He released his grip as he was blindsided by a spear from Roman and collapsed on the steel stage. Roman took me in his arms and held me to him.
'Don't you ever lay a finger on her again because next time, it won't just be a spear, I will end you.'
'Oh yeah?' Drew said, standing up. 'How about you put your money where your mouth is and face me at Wrestlemania?' Roman moved me aside and got right in Drew's face.
'On one condition. You face my brother Dean tonight and if you lose, which you will, I get to spend the night with your wife. Oh, and I'll probably get her to FaceTime you whilst I'm giving it to her good, just so you know what a real man can do.' Roman took my hand and led me backstage.

'Damn, you guys were great out there,' Seth said, as we all sat in catering, waiting for the call to go back out into the arena. Becky and Dean both nodded and agreed.
'Like, I'm curious,' Becky said. 'Is this whole thing storyline or is there more going on? I feel like I'm missing something here.' Joe was leaning back in his chair, arm draped over the back of mine, occasionally tickling down my spine.
'It's storyline,' I answered, before Joe or Drew got a chance to. 'Hunter wants to incorporate more romantic storylines again and he thinks that the idea of a polyamorous storyline would be a good one. I kind of agree with him. And if it means I get to kiss a hunk like Roman Reigns, then I'm cool with that.'
'Of course you are,' snarled a voice behind us. Sasha. 'Drew, sweetie, I already told you that you need to come see me sometime. You know I can give you what you want.'
'Trust me sweetheart,' Drew fired back. 'The last thing I need is a dose of chlamydia.' We all howled with laughter as Drew stood up and walked away, going to get ready for his match, Sasha tottering after him in 4inch heels.
'Fucking hell, she makes me wanna barf,' I said, taking a sip of my soda.
'What's her problem?' Becky asked.
'She didn't like how Drew chewed her out after the Rumble when she was reckless in the ring, but she thinks that she can text him with graphic messages about all the ways she wants him to fuck her. It's disgusting, she's a married woman. I'm sure Mikaze doesn't know half the shit she gets up to.'
'Damn girl, she's really got you wound up, huh?'
'Beck, you have no idea. Like, fair enough if I had done anything to upset her, but I haven't. Not that I can think of anyway.'
'Babe, she's just jealous because you have more wrestling talent in your little finger than she has in her entire body,' Joe interjected. 'That and the fact that you don't have to rely on family connections to get ahead.'
'Pot, kettle, black,' Becky joked.
'You would know about that, you big Samoan,' Seth chimed in.
'Hey, I've worked my ass off to make a name for myself here.' I placed my hand on his thigh, causing Becky to give me a very quizzical look.
'Calm, it's just a joke,' I said to him. 'I should probably finish getting myself ready. No doubt we'll be called soon.' I stood up and stretched my arms above my head, leaving my 3 friends to talk.
'Yo, Kate, wait up,' I heard Becky call. She pulled me into an empty locker room and closed the door. 'What the hell is going on with you and Anoa'i? I saw the way you guys have been getting cozy just now.'
'Oh Beck, it's weird. Hang on.' I quickly checked the shower room to make sure nobody was listening. 'Drew has said that he is okay with me and Joe having some sort of sexual relationship because he thinks that will make me happy again. You know he caught me and Joe in the act, right?'
'No,' Becky's eyes bugged out of her head. 'When the hell did this happen?'
'Christmas Eve. Joe and I had done some last minute shopping at the mall, he helped me take my bags up to my bedroom and it just happened. Drew came home from tour as I was cleaning myself up in the bathroom.'
'So now you get both Drew and Joe?' I nodded. 'Damn Kate, this could get messy. I knew it wasn't a storyline. Is that why his wife won't take him back?'
'Yes and no. Galina knows that she can no longer compete for Joe's heart. He loves me.'
'Do you love him?'
'Yeah. It's hard to explain, but I love him too.'
'Sounds simple enough to me. My brother is in a polyamorous relationship with two other guys. They all love each other equally.'
'It's where somebody loves more than one person. At least, that's the simple explanation. Look it up.' We both heard Drew shouting my name out in the hallway. I gave Becky a hug and thanked her.
'Thanks Bex.'
'Hey, what are best friends for?' Becky opened the door and we exited the room.
'There you are,' Drew said when he saw me. 'We gotta get into position.' He took my hand and led me to gorilla.
'Good luck,' Becky shouted as she walked in the opposite direction to Seth's locker room.

My music hit first and I walked out into the arena and down the ramp into the ring. I signalled for a microphone and was handed one by a ring tech.
'Now, I've had a couple of hours to think about this and this whole situation between my husband and Roman Reigns is ridiculous. Drew, I need you to come out here so we can talk this through.' I waited. After a moment, Drew appeared at the top of the ramp.
'What is there to talk about? You are my wife. You can't go calling me out here.'
'Yeah, I can. And I will. You and Roman are being bloody ridiculous, like a couple of toddlers fighting over a toy.'
'Maybe you should've thought about that before you slept with him.' There was a huge gasp from the crowd. 'Oh yeah,' he said, addressing the crowd's reaction. 'The worst part is I caught them. I was on tour and you were screwing him. How many times Katelyn?' Drew stepped into the ring and I backed up, into the ropes. 'How many times did you have sex with him?' Roman's music hit and the crowd started booing him. The surprise double turn was working.
'Hey McIntyre, leave her alone. You've got beef with me, not Katelyn.'
'Why are you even out here? This match is between me and Ambrose.'
'I just want a ringside seat for when Ambrose beats you and I get a night with the most beautiful woman on Earth.' I watched Roman as he walked down the ramp and sat on a steel chair by the timekeepers area. 'Let's be honest, it winds you up thinking of me with Katelyn. I bet you lose sleep at night thinking about me with her.'
'Roman, shut your mouth. Otherwise I will come down there and flatten you.' I looked around the arena at the crowd. They were sitting on the edge of their seats, eating up every bit of this rivalry. I let out a sigh of relief as Dean's music began to play and he walked out.

I sat at ringside, next to Roman, as the match got underway. Dean went for a Dirty Deeds DDT early, but Drew countered by ducking under Dean's arm, ran at the ropes and hit him with a clothesline. Beside me, Roman placed a hand on my thigh and whispered, 'I wanna fuck you so bad right now.' I looked at Drew in the ring, who was watching this exchange between Roman and I. Dean got back up and chopped at Drew's bare chest, all the while Drew's eyes never left me and Roman.
Time to start playing dirty. I turned to Roman and kissed him, our tongues fighting for dominance. This caused Dean to hit Drew with his finishing move and pin Drew for the win. After Mike Rome announced that Dean was the winner, Roman and I broke apart. We both stood up and walked around the ring and up the ramp without saying a word.

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