Chapter 1

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There's nothing like summer in the city. The sun beating down, children rushing to their backyard to turn on the sprinklers to stay cool. School had been let out and now the fun can begin. In the Washington's home, there was a boy about eight years old. His name was Alexander. He wore a scout troupe uniform and stood beside a backpack, looking inside of it.

"Tent, sleeping bag, pillow, water bottle, trail mix, flashlight, extra batteries, scout handbook and matches!" Just as he was about to put the matches in his backpack, someone took them out of his hand.

"I think I'd rather hold onto these, son." It was his adoptive father, George Washington. He wore a uniform similar. He was the scout leader. "These could be dangerous if you don't know how to use them."

"Okay dad!" Alexander went back to looking in his backpack to see if he was missing anything. He was excited because this was his first camping trip since joining the scout troupe. A whole week in the wilderness roughing it up, learning survival skills and earning cool badges. "I think I've got everything."

"Not so fast, young man. Aren't you for getting something?" Washington asked the boy. Alex put a finger to his chin and thought. Was he forgetting something? After a few seconds of thought he had and idea.

"First-aid kit!" He exclaimed. Washington nodded in approval. Alex got up and scrambled to the bathroom to find the first-aid kit in the closet. He grabbed it and dashed back to his father. "Now we've got everything." He handed it to Washington and zipped his backpack closed.

"Number one rule of camping?"

"Always be prepared!"

"That's right, son." Washington fit a rope and zipped his backpack shut before he grabbed Alexander's hand. "Let's get going. We've got to pick up the rest of the scouts."

"Brooklyn Forest, here we come!"

-Time skip-

Pop quiz! What happens when you have a campervan full of children heading to the forest? Usually the first guess that would come to mind is chaos, right? Surprisingly in this case, no. Instead, they were raising their juice boxes and singing what they call, "The Drinking Song." It was something that Alexander's best friend, John Laurens had made up.

"Raise a juice box to freedom! Something they could never take away!"

"No matter what they tell you!"

"Raise a juice box to the four of us. Tomorrow there'll be more of us."

"Telling the story of tonight." Everybody had joined in. Well, minus Charles Lee. He sat in his seat, groaning as he covered his ears.

Washington never understood how they came up with something like that, but darn it was so adorable! The children all sat beside their camping buddy. Alexander and John, Hercules and Lafayette, Thomas and James, Angelica and Eliza, Peggy and Maria, and Aaron...he got stuck with Charles. Not the choice he would have gone with, but it was better than nothing.

"Mr. Washington, are we there yet?" The youngest Schuyler sister and youngest scout Peggy asked.

"We will be soon, Peggy." Washington answered the girl, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I'm so excited guys!" Angelica beamed. "I hope we get to see some wild animals!"

"I wanna see bunnies and deers- Oh! And turtles!" John excitedly pulled out his scout handbook and looked over a picture of a turtle. "I love turtles."

"As long as we don't have a run in with any bears or wolves." James gulped, clutching onto his blanket. "I don't wanna get eaten."

"Don't worry Jemmy. I'll protect you!" His best friend Thomas comforted him. "I'm not afraid of anything!" He wrapped an arm around the shorter boy.

"Hey Thomas!" Alex stood up in his seat to look at his friend/rival. It wasn't that the two hated each other. They were just super competitive and wanted to be the best. It was like a fun game they played that can sometimes get out of hand. "I bet I can earn more badges than you on this trip." He challenged. Thomas then smirked at him.

"Ha! Your on, Alex!"

"Alexander, please sit down." Washington warned the boy. "You could fall."

"Sorry, sir." Alex apologized as he sat back down in his seat. Eliza shrieked in excitement causing everyone to jump.

"We're here! We're here!" She bounced in her seat. Everybody cheered in excitement.

"Scouts, welcome to Brooklyn Forest." Washington said as he parked the campervan.

"Whoa!" The scouts including Charles were in total awe.

"This is going to be the most epic trip ever!"

Hey guys! I know it's a short chapter, but we're just getting started. The hamil-kid scouts are ready for the camping fun to being. Will it be fun or will it become a disaster? Stay tuned!

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