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Making music was all I have ever been interested in. Music was my life every minute of every day was filled with music. Whether it was playing the piano, singing, or just simply listening to music with my family, music consumed me.

My entire life revolved around it.

That's why when I heard that a talent group in South Korea was putting together a group of different people from different countries I immediately filled out an audition application.

Today was the day that could possibly change my entire life.

As I looked in the mirror I saw a 5'5 girl with brunette hair, blue eyes, and subtle freckles. I guess I was kind of attractive. I had many guys throughout the school have crushes on me and confess their love but, I was never really interested in them. I was always only interested in this one guy, but he was kind of an asshole to me. His name was Mason Williams and he was originally from Canada but moved to New York when he was 14, I think he is like 18 or something now.

I decided to wear a  black sweater crop top, khaki cargo pants with a black belt and finally, I put on white airforce 1's for my shoes. I decided that I'd rather dress as myself rather than pretend to be someone I'm not.

"Mandy! we're going to be late!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"I'm coming eomma!" I said as I finished straightening my hair and putting minimal makeup on.

"Annyeong hasseyo!" I said to my family as I made my way into the kitchen to grab some food. I saw that my younger brother Baram, name means wind, had made himself some toast so I stole a slice from him.

"Eomma! Mandy stole my toast!" Baram said

"Well you should've eaten it faster" I said while smacking him on the back of the head for not calling me noona

"Wow Mandy, so mature, stealing food from your younger brother" Bada, name means ocean, my older brother said

"Oh Oppa shut up, you are 20 and still living at home, you shouldn't be the one to talk"

"Wow, Hyung she roasted you," Baram said

"Ok so, you'll call him Hyung but not me noona?!? What kind of double standard bull crap is that?!"

"Come on you're older than me by two months, that barely makes you older than me!"

"It stills counts though!" I said 

"Hey!" I heard my mom yell, "watch you're language Mandy" she said as she smacked the back of my head.

"ow, crap isn't even a bad word" I murmured.

"What was that" mom said

"Nothing," I said as I finished eating my piece of toast. I looked at the time "holy crap mom we're going to be late for the audition!"

"Mandy! What did I just say about watching your language!"

"Sorry" I jokingly said

"whatever" My mom laughed "come one we're going to be late."

Baram couldn't come with us since he had no talent and also had to go to school but Bada came with us as well. I hugged dad and Baram as we were leaving our two-story townhouse, and then we got into the car and left the audition.

We lived only about 20 minutes away from the audition center, the audition was being held in a small convention center in New York City. I put in my earbuds and zoned out in the car.

I guess I left out a few minor details about myself, my name is Mandy Miracle Adair Kim, I'm 17 years old, I have an IQ of 140 and I guess the biggest thing about myself that I forgot to tell you is that I was adopted.

I was adopted when I was 6 years old, from an abusive household. When I was 6 I was in a serious car accident with my family. In the car was my mom, dad, older brother, and myself. My dad, on a drunken rampage, had forced all of us into the car in the middle of the night. My brothers' name was Noah and he was 10 at the time. My dad was speeding down the road, we were screaming and tried everything in our willpower to get our father to pull over and let us out, but he didn't listen. The road was icy and as we were going down a hill, my father lost control of the car, and we hydroplaned off of the road finally crashing into a tree on the passenger side of the vehicle. When I woke up I couldn't get the distinguishing taste of copper out of my mouth, I looked around our now upside-down vehicle to see my mom's lifeless body, I looked at Noah who was squeezing my hand and listened to him say "I love you, you'll make it out of here, I promise". The last thing that I remember from that night was the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles and the emergency response team pulling me out of the practically demolished car.

When I had woken up I was in a hospital room, a lady from social services had informed me that my mother and brother had passed away in the accident and my father was charged for manslaughter and sentenced to 15 years in prison. I was absolutely devastated, my whole entire world was flipped upside down in a matter of minutes. Yes, I wasn't the happiest and my father was sort of a dead beat but, my family was still my family. How was I supposed to live without mom and Noah? 

Noah had been my best friend, he protected me and loved me. I was so shocked by the news of my mom and brother's death that I refused to eat and it was so serious it was to the point where they almost had to give me a feeding tube. Even though I was only 6 years old, I understood what death was, I had been through so much trauma since I was very young that I had to grow up fast. So, even as a 6-year old I was considered a practical genius because of this.

Mrs. Day, my social worker, had introduced me to several families who were wanting to adopt me but I just didn't seem to fit in with any of the families and I had bounced around from family to family for about a year before I met the Kim's. The Kim's were originally from South Korea and had 2 sons, they had always wanted a girl but they found out that they were no longer able to have kids so they decided to adopt. For some reason, I fit in with the Kim's more than any other family I had been with. The adoption process was surprisingly quick and within two months I was adopted. 

The Kim's were compiled of Kim Jeong Gyu (our dad), Kim Seung-ae (our mom), my two brothers Kim Bada who is 3 years older than me, and Kim Baram who is a year younger than me. If I'm being honest our family kind of clicked and I felt comfortable with the Kim's and I found it kind of easy to consider these new people my family.

The Kim's brought me up like I was Korean, so that means that I was taught Korean and expected to speak it in the household, and I had the same expectations as my siblings.

"Mandy, we're here," eomma said


Authors Note XD 

How do you guys like this story so far? This is one of my first stories and I have been wanting to write this for a while. if you have any tips or advice or feedback you want to give me then feel free to!

Thanks for reading! <3<3<3

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