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"I PASSED THE AUDITION!!" I screamed running down the stairs into the living room. 

"WHAT?!" my eomma said clearly surprised

I stopped to catch my breath and explain what had just happened. "I got a phone call while I was in the shower, they said I passed the audition!"

"Oh my goodness that's so great Mira!" My appa exclaimed. He picked me up and spun me in a circle. Since my family chose my middle name as Miracle, they sometimes call me that name, or Mira for short. I heard the boys running down the stairs.

"What's going on!? Is the house on fire?!" They said almost in unison. 

"I passed the audition!" I yelled

"Mandy that is amazing! congrats" said Oppa

"Does that mean that you're moving?" Asked Baram 

"Umm.." I looked at my mom since we hadn't thought this all the way through yet. Since, me going to the audition was just something that we thought would be fun to do, I never thought that I would actually be selected to become a trainee. Eomma shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know yet, they haven't explained the whole thing yet, and I haven't even signed the contract" I told Baram.

"In that case, can I have your bedroom?" Baram asked

"No way!" I said smacking him on the back of the head for even thinking that

"Ow, gosh why do you always do that?" He whined

"because I feel like it," I said. "Anyways, Eomma, they said that they would send us an email explaining everything"

"Ok, in the meantime I think that we should celebrate!" Eomma said.

"Okay!" We all said excitedly.

That night we went out to a semi-formal dinner at a restaurant called 'Amata'.

After dinner, I went upstairs and sat at my desk, I decided to go on my computer and check my email. They had sent me the email! I opened it and began to read it, the email said this:

To: Mandy Miracle Kim Adair

After looking through all of our auditionees, we have decided that you would make the best new member of our family here at Bighit Entertainment! 

In this email, we have provided you information about the contract, and you're boarding arrangements.

The contract will be brought to you by a representative of our company and we advise you to speak to an attorney to see if you agree with the clauses of the contract.

For your boarding, if you decide to join our amazing company, you will be sharing a dorm with your fellow group members. 

The email just continued talking about the contract, and the boarding situation for a while longer.

I showed my mom and she said that this would be a great experience for me and I also get to pursue my dream and do something that makes me happy.

My adoptive parents had always been kind of supportive of my dreams. They have always wanted what's best f or me but, they also want me to do something that I love and will be dedicated to.

As I was looking around the room, the realization of where I was going finally hit me. 'I'm moving to South Korea' I thought to myself. This shit is really happening. I am actually leaving my family. this whole thing just felt like a dream to me. I layed down on my bed and stared up at my ceiling trying to take in all that was happening.

I sat up on my bed and looked around my room, I had to decide what I had to pack. My room was pretty basic, it had a queen-sized bed against my wall, I also had a desk, dresser, and a vanity. There was a couch in my bedroom as well for me and my friends to use. My room was painted a periwinkle color and I had green Halloween lights strung around my room. I had a bunch of tapestries, random posters, and a photo wall. Another huge thing of mine was my dreamcatchers, I have frequent nightmares so for me, my dreamcatchers made me feel safe.

I opened my closet doors and grabbed my suitcase from it. I shouldn't really need to pack much clothing since there will obviously be clothing stores in Seoul. So I decided that I would only pack my favorite pieces and some of my basic clothing as well.

I opened my suitcase, looking into my closet and tried to decide what my favorite clothing items were and what I would need. Since Seoul is pretty cold in the winter I decided that I would need some warm clothing items.

I looked through my shirts and after a while of contemplating what I should bring  I decided that I'd bring 7 crop tops, 5 t-shirts, and 4 long sleeve shirts. I grabbed some jeans from my closet and also put them in my suitcase, I looked through my dresses and I picked a forest green dress and a short white floral dress. I also packed 3 pairs of leggings, 4 pairs of athletic shorts,  3 pairs of sweatpants, 4 hoodies, 3 pairs of denim shorts, and finally 4 sweaters.

For shoes, I decided to bring my old skool vans, white air force 1s, doc martins, simple black strappy heels, and a few other pairs of shoes.

I was looking around my room trying to decide what I should bring with me, I decided on my favorite tapestry, 2 of my posters, a bunch of my photos, and 3 of my dreamcatchers. The rest of the decorations I brought were small.

A few days had passed and I looked around my room for the final time, in the last few days we had already signed the contract with Bighit entertainment. I was leaving for South Korea today. I'm leaving my family and going to a foreign country that I've never been to. As I looked around my room for the last time, I noticed a picture frame on top of my dresser, in the picture frame was my mom, brother Noah, and my dad. Memories of me spending time with my original family flooded in, I haven't thought about them that much recently but I missed them. There was this huge hole in my heart now that they had left. Even though the Kim's were great they were still not my birth family. I missed Noah, I needed Noah. How could he just leave me like that? I grabbed the picture frame and put it in my suitcase. I took a deep breath in and I decided that it was time to go.

Bada helped me put my luggage into the trunk of our car. My flight left in 3 hours. I hugged my brothers, and mom goodbye. I wouldn't be seeing them for a while and I know that I'll definitely miss them.

"I'll miss you honey, make sure you stay safe and call me everyday, okay?" My eomma said to me in Korean.

"I will, I promise."

As I said my final goodbyes it was hard to not feel a little empty. It was the second time that I would be leaving my family. 

Appa drove me to the airport and walked me to the security gate. I said my goodbyes to him and then continued on with my journey. 

I boarded the plane and found my seat. I had a window seat thank god. I have a small fear of heights but it didn't bug me too much. Once everyone boarded the plane we took off. Since it was a long flight the seats were bigger than normal and they could also turn into a bed. It was really cool in my opinion. 

I stared out the window and began to wonder how my new life would be and if I would enjoy it. 

God I hope I made the right decision.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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