I Die...The End

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Hey! My name's Reed Herbert. This is the story of how I find out that Jotunheim throw the craziest parties.

It started one day when I was walking through the park with my headphones on, listening to my favourite song and just watching the people past by and enjoying the sun and clear sky. I walked around the fountain with my hands in my pockets and sat down on a bench.

"Wharl ye doin on meh spot!" a voice slurred angrily. I look up to see a homeless-looking guy looming over me. The face was scruffy and he had bags under his eyes. His clothes had holes, rips, and tears and looked like it had been patched up by a chainsaw. But I was more worried about the drunk look in his eyes. Even though this guy had been taking a couple things along with the alcohol.

"Sorry," I said as I slowly got up, making sure not to make any sudden movements. "I'll leave."

"Yeh question meh honorr?!" the man spat. He picked up a bottle from underneath the bench and smashed it against the armrest. Unfortunately, the bottle wasn't completely empty so I got sprayed with a bit of beer along with the shards of glass. I instinctively threw my arms up to protect my face and the man took it as a threat.

The man swiped his other hand at me, which just so happened to have a cigarette in it. The blow knocked me to the ground and I came up retching as the smoke and ash got in my lungs. The man aimed a kick at my stomach that knocked the breath out of me. But it also threw the man off balance and he came crashing down.

I used the time I had to scramble to my feet. I heard some shouts in the distance, but my vision was to blurry and I could still taste bile in my throat. I turned around just as the man sent another kick, this time at my legs. I lost my balance and fell on top of him.

The man's breath just made my dizziness worst as he started hitting me with the cigarette and broken bottle. I heard him snarling as he tried to stab me with the bottle. I blindly reached out for anything to fight back with. My fingers curled around a shard of glass and I tightened my grip on it, biting into my skin.

I sued one hand to hold down the hand with the bottle but got more smoke and ash in my lungs and a vicious headbutt that knocked me off the man.  I saw for a split-second that the man had a pocket knife in his pocket before he lunged at me, jabbing my face with the broken bottle.

The jagged parts cut into my face and throat and I knew instantly that I would die. But I still slashed my shard of glass across the man's stomach and reached for his knife. He grabbed my wrist but I was already thrusting the blade into his stomach.

He got a surprised look in his eyes before he keeled over. My vision went black before I could watch his body fall to the ground. I just had time to wonder if he would live before the shadows swamped my sight...

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