Chapter 9

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Picture of Will Poulter for Dwence.

The Test. The one that Alice took, the one that she left on the counter in the bathroom. The bathroom I shared with Justin, who was Dwence's best friend. Oh boy.

Turning to Alice with wide eyes, my mouth opened to tell her, but nothing came out. Alice turned to see me do so. "What is wrong Paris, everything is going good now that we know how to handle the pregnant situation-" You could see the lightbulb go off in her head. "oh boy." She ran her hands through her blonde hair.

Be the big sister, be the big sister you haven't gotten to be in the past few years. "Don't worry I will handle it. You handle the food, I will handle Justin." I told her trying to sound like I had a magnificent plan. "We both have our work cut out for both of us, when I get Justin calmed down, we will just go along with what you want to do, just tell him when you get ready."

"Really?" Alice questioned.

I tried to smile and nod just for her sake. "Yeah really." The elevator doors opened and Dwence was waiting for us, he took the deer and the bag from me then as they walked back to the house, Alice turned and mouthed the words. 'Thank you.'

Making my way over to the front door I was just about to open it when Justin opened the door for me, embracing me in a huge. Be brave Paris, be brave. When Justin did release me, he pulled me into the living room. I guessed he hadn't seen the test, or else he would be questioning me over and over about the test, why it was positive, and why it was in our house.

"I thought you ran, but I am glad that you are back, now just wait here while I got to the bathroom to take a shower and clean up." He said as he sat me down on the couch. Mission in jeopardy. "I will be right back."

Jumping up from the plush couch I pushed myself over the back of it, and stood in front of him. I was in between him and his destination, it was my objective to keep him from going there. "You don't want to take a shower right now, how about we go and sit down on the couch and talk about our day." I said even though I knew my day consisted of things I couldn't tell him. Not yet anyway.

"It will be a quick shower, besides we can do those things over lunch." He said trying to get past me, I didn't let him. "Paris I would like to get a shower, now please move." I didn't.

With a huff, he tried again only to fail. "It will be a while before Alice get's done with lunch, so we should take in this moment right here-" And he cut me off.

"Paris, I want you to listen right here and right now, I will be getting a shower, I have spent all day in a hot cellar, then went hunting in the forest, climbed a few sides of the canyon then ran the perimeter. I would like to not feel sweaty and hot right now, so move!" He hissed at me grabbing onto my shoulders and pushing me onto the near by bed. I hadn't realized we were now in our bedroom until now. I didn't stop him, it would be best not to make him even more made with the things I was going to tell him.

"Justin don't, please listen to me..." He just brushed me off as he grabbed a new pair of jeans and a yellow shirt.

"Paris don't-" I cut him off just the same as he had done to me.

Be brave Paris, be brave.

"I am pregnant, Justin."

"What?" He turned shocked.

"I had to get your attention, before you walk in there there is something on the counter that positive,"

I am sorry, Alice. I have to tell him.

"it isn't mine, but it is Alice's. You are going to be an uncle." I told him finally, all the secrets came out. I walked into the bathroom and picked up the test and held it in front of him, not touching the tested part. "You are going to be an uncle."

Justin's face zoomed in on the plus sign then turned to me. "You aren't pregnant right." I smiled and shook my head.

"No, I haven't even had a real kiss yet." I told him. None of the ones before counted to me, they were just unwanted, I wanted my first real kiss to be wanted.

He grinned ear to ear. "I am an uncle and I am not even 21 yet." He realized.

"Now you need to keep this way from Dwence, Alice doesn't want him to know yet. Don't worry she will tell him, but just not right now." Justin nodded.

"Now about that kiss. Can mine be real." I nodded as he leaned in and kissed me softly, his lips gliding against mine fluidly. They danced together, till one of us had to pull apart, it was me.

"Yours is defiantly real."

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