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Ruby: She loves to cuddle with you she also likes it when you kiss her forehead while cuddling but most of the time she'll fall asleep on you and you'll have to carry her to the bed if you're not already on it

Weiss: She dosen't like showing affection much but when it's just the two of you she cuddles with you like it's the last time she'll ever see you

Blake: most of the time she lays on you while reading a book which you don't mind as long as you get to spend time with your faunus girlfriend

Yang: you will most likely have your face between her boobs and I mean who wouldn't but when you have her laying on top of you you'll just stroke her hair and relax with your firecracker of a girlfriend

Joan(female Jaune): she love just spending time with you no matter what it is so it's precious to see her try so hard to make you not leave or move from the position your in

Nora: when you two cuddle it's amazing to see how different she acts when you cuddle with her one moment she's hyper and crazy next she's calm and lazy not wanting to move when with you

Pyrrha: she really likes being able to relax with you being this famous person makes her exhausted so just just laying her head on you is enough to make her happy

Rin(female Ren): you'll normally wake up too a sleeping Rin on you which is just adorable so you just continue to sleep with her on top of you

Coco: if you counted everytime she fell asleep on you, you would be counting in the 10,000 range she says your like a more comfortable bed

Velvet: when ever you two cuddle you rub her bunny ears which makes her fall asleep on you faster but you don't mind

Neo: she be smol so you pick her up and hug the smol ice cream child and the child be happy so you just carry her around

Emerald: you could be doing anything and she would be sitting on your lap just watching you do whatever your doing

Cinder: being a villain can make a person tired so when Cinder is tired she jumps on you and orders you to carry her to your bed and cuddle

(Alright that's it for this one if you want another character just ask me and I'll tell you if I can add them and put a request here if you want also I don't do lewd stuff so no asking for that stuff)

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