At the beach

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Ruby: you and Ruby would be building sandcastles, playing in the water, and eating ice cream Ruby would always have a lot a fun everytime you two go too the beach

Weiss: you two would be in the water most of the time and splash water at each other sometimes you need to bring a kiddie pool if you see her bring her weapon and some ice skates

Blake: you wouldn't be in the water for obvious reasons and you two would be in the shade of an umbrella as Blake reads and you hold her close to you

Yang: Yang being well Yang means that a lot of guys are probably looking at her body witch usually most of them end up passed out in the sand thanks to you but you two still have an amazing time

Joan: she's much like Ruby with enjoying the beach but she usually wears a hoodie to cover her body do to her being embarrassed about being nearly naked in front of you

Nora: she's usually in the water with her sloth floatie and she usually has you move it through the water do to her believing the queen of the castle shouldn't do anything

Pyrrha: you and her usually build sandcastles together and if you end up falling asleep she'll just bury you in sand she'll say the iconic line of "I'm sorry" but who could stay mad at the adorable redhead spartan girl in front of you

Rin: much like Blake you two will stay under the shade but instead of reading books you and her cuddle which usually results in her falling asleep but you're fine with it and plus you get to have an excuse to not get sunburned on accident

Coco: out of all the girls on the beach she's the one of the two that will have all the guys staring at her and guess what she's all yours and if any guy try's to hit on her they will most likely have broken bones thanks to an angry boyfriend also known as you

Velvet: she's very shy at the beach and unlike most of the girls she wears a one piece and she hides in the shade at every opportunity but if you mange to get her out into the water she'll have a blast with you

Neo: ice cream that's the only thing she ends up thinking of and your wallet dreads the beach day with her and soon enough you'll have to go back to pick pocketing people

Emerald: she usually steals from the people asleep on the beach which you've learned to not care about just so long as she buys you something with the money later but while you're still at the beach you get to have fun with her and at the end of the day that's what really matters

Cinder: she rarely ever goes to the beach and when you ask to go she need to ask what that is but if you mange to get her there it's one of the few times she'll have a smile without evil intentions behind it

(Holy shit how long has it been like a year or something? Anyway I am working on the RWBY x my OC team thing though I may just reboot it and change things around but who knows anyway I'll take requests and try my best at doing them if you think I'm messing a girl and you want me to add them I'll yes or no or if you want me to genderbend another character I'll say yes or no again anyway see you eventually)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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