Frist kiss

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This was a request by: shupershanic so thanks for the request

Ruby: you where laying on Ruby's bed with her on top of you, you were bored until you got the bold idea to kiss her and hope to Oum Yang didn't find out, when you did kiss her you couldn't tell the difference between her face and her cape

Weiss: she was doing homework and she asked you if you could get her a drink and you went to go get her a drink when you came back with the drink you put it down and before you went back to doing whatever it was you were doing she pulls you down to her level and kissed you you were surprised by this but you quickly kissed her again leaving her blushing

Blake: you two were sitting under a tree reading books and you were staring at Blake for awhile she didn't notice and you started moving towards her without even realizing to much and you kissed her as the both of you were blushing messes but continued to kiss after the kiss you both just cuddled as you scratched behind her cat ears

Yang: you two were playing some video games and she was losing so she quickly kissed you on the lips and it leaved you stunned long enough for her to win

Joan: you were helping Pyrrha train her and you saw an improvement so you decided to give her a surprise after training when you finished training you walked over too Joan and kissed her she was blushed madly

Nora: she was acting like her usual self crazy, hyper and wanting pancakes you were tired so you kissed her and she calmed down really quick you you two cuddled and slept all day

Pyrrha: the both of you were finished with classes and you could see she was tired so you quickly got back to your dorm and you both laid down and cuddled you kissed her and she was too tired to even form a reaction so she just smiled

Rin: you two finished walking around Vale and when you two got back you two cuddled and she quickly kissed you and buried her face in your chest you laughed a little and lifted her head up and kissed her again somehow making her blush even more then before

Coco: she was laying on top of you and got the idea of kissing you as soon as you wake up when you do wake up your greeted by Coco kissing you making you blush a lot but slowly sink into the kiss

Velvet: she was sitting on your lap and hugging you she kissed you making you surprised that she did it but you kissed her and she was left blushing

Neo: she was doing pretty much nothing until you came up behind her and kissed her out of nowhere she was blushing a lot which you thought was cute

Emerald: she was walking towards you and when she got to you she kissed you which you kissed her back and it lasted a while before you two had to stop

Cinder: you saw her doing something you didn't know what but you walked over to her and kissed her making her take a break from what she was doing and just stay with you

(Alright second chapter done again thanks to shupershanic for the suggestion and if anyone reading this has any ideas for the next chapter then just put a comment and if you want another character in these scenarios go ahead and tell me the character you want in this and I'll see if I can add them)

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