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Type nervously watched the professor examine his photos. His fidgeted with his fingers, twisting them and pulling lightly with anxiousness.

The professor had been silent for what felt like hours to Type. She made sure she looked over each photo with careful eyes, not wanting to miss a thing. 

She wasn't Type's actual professor, but she was in charge of a photography event the college was putting on, so she had to look over each submission personally to determine if they were good enough to be entered in. 

Type had been a part of every other photography event held on campus since he had started classes there, but he still worried his pictures weren't good enough. He was pretty sure it was a complex. 

"Type," she finally spoke up, making him jump a little in surprise. "These are amazing, as usual." She looked up at him with a smile. "I definitely think there is a place for you in this event. I still haven't the slightest idea why you aren't part of the faculty of art. You have a real talent here." 

Type chuckled and shook his head. "Thank you, professor, but I think I'll just stick to the club." 

He gathered up his photos that were scattered among the desk in front of them and stuffed them back into his bag. 

The professor walked around her desk and took a seat in her chair. "Just send me copies of each photo and I'll take it from there."

"Okay. Thank you." 

He rushed out of the classroom and to the football field, where he was late to practice. He knew he would be late, so he had already changed into his uniform before even going to show his photos to the professor. 

He threw his things down next to the bench and ran to the middle of the field, where Techno was waiting for him. 

"Did anyone ask about me?" He questioned, immediately jumping into the warm-up exercises, like he had been there the whole time. 

Techno shook his head. "No. Besides, you're only a few minutes late. They wouldn't care" They gave each other small smiles as they continued warming up. "So, how did it go?" Techno questioned. "Is she going to enter them into the event?"

Type nodded happily. "She said to send her the copies and she would take it from there." 

Techno clapped him on the shoulder a bit roughly. "I didn't doubt it for a second that she wouldn't. I mean, if you ask me, you're better than some of the students that are actually majoring in photography."

"I wouldn't go that far, but thank you." 

Techno rolled his eyes with a laugh and pushed Type to the side, making him stumble a bit. Type laughed and pushed back, making Techno fall to the ground. The captain got on to him for messing around, making him send a glare in Type's direction, who was smiling happily. 

They finished up their warm-up before moving on to practice. It ran smoothly and Techno made sure not to get yelled at again. 

When they had finished practice, Type laid down on the grass, breathing quickly. His chest was rising and falling rapidly as beads of sweat rolled down the side on his forehead and into the grass. His muscles felt numb and his chest hurt from breathing to hard. It had been a particularity tough practice. 

Techno approached Type, where he was laying in the grass, and fell down next to him with a groan. He spread his arms wide, hitting Type in the side. "I. Hate. Football." He said, pausing between each word to get enough oxygen in his lungs to put them out. 

Type chuckled softly and shook his head. "Why don't you quit?" 

Techno raised an eyebrow and looked at Type with an expression that looked as is he was asking 'Really?' "What would this team do without me? I'm the best player here."

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