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Tharn woke early the next morning.

He was being held in place by Type's legs wrapped around his waist and his arms wrapped around his chest. He was sound asleep, so Tharn had to pry his arms and legs away. 

Under the blanket was hot and their limbs stuck together.

Type began to stir when Tharn moved away. He held on tighter to Tharn, forcing him to stay in place. "Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom." Tharn said with a small laugh. "Why? Do you want to come?"

Type snuggled up against Tharn's side and shook his head. "Don't be long. It'll be cold."

Tharn laughed and stood up from the bed, making sure to tuck Type back in before heading off to the bathroom. 

He turned on the water and stared at himself in the mirror. His hair stuck up in the back a bit and his cheeks were a bit red. He definitely looked like he had just woke up.

He stared out the bathroom door, looking over Type's sleeping body under the covers. He faintly remembered waking up in the middle of the night and feeling Type get back into bed. He remembered the little 'I love you' as well. He smiled at the memory. 

"You should wake up and take a shower." Tharn called into the bedroom. He heard Type groan as he watched him roll over before reluctantly sitting up.

"Only if you'll take one with me." Type negotiated. 

Tharn laughed but sent him a nod. "Who could say no to an offer like that?"

Type stood up from the bed and trudged into the bathroom, closing the door behind him and locking it, not knowing who in the house would think it's okay to just walk into Tharn's bathroom. It wouldn't be hard to guess, though. 

Tharn turned on the water in the shower as Type wrapped his arms around his waist, leaning his head against his back. 

"Make sure it's really warm." He said softly, tracing his lips against Tharn's neck before pressing them against his ear.

Tharn smiled and moved out of Type's arms, turning around to face him. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. Type pushed down his boxers and kicked them off as Tharn did the same. 

Tharn took Type by the hand and pulled him into the shower, letting the warm water wash over them, waking them up.

Type closed his eyes and let Tharn's hands run over his shoulders, back, and chest. He had squirted some body wash onto his hands and was lathering it on Type's body.

"That feels nice." Type chuckled softly and turned his head down, giving Tharn a bit more access to his neck, letting him massage harder.

Tharn pulled Type back, making him bump into his chest. He rested his lip against Type's ear, smiling softly. "What's the real reason you wanted me to take a shower with you?"

Type leaned his head back on Tharn's shoulders, letting Tharn touch up on his chest and stomach. "Kiss me." 

It didn't even take Tharn a second to connect their lips. 

Type turned back around to face Tharn and wrapped his arms around his neck, connecting their lips again in a passionate kiss.

The water had washed away any of the soap, allowing Type to move his lips down to Tharn's neck, sucking lightly. It wasn't enough to leave a dark mark, but it was noticeable. A sign of ownership to whomever may need it.

Tharn pushed Type back and against the cold tile wall of the shower, sending shivers down his spine.

Type moaned softly, arching off the wall slightly as he pulled Tharn to him by his waist. 

Tharn bit down lightly on Type's bottom lip, pulling it. 

A knock on the door interrupted their session, making Tharn groan. Type pulled his face back toward him and connected their lips again. 

When Type heard San's voice calling for Tharn, it was his turn to groan, which didn't go unnoticed by Tharn.

He pulled away from Tharn and let out a sigh. He exited the shower and grabbed the nearest towel, wrapping it around himself. He yanked open the door and narrowed his eyes at San. 

"Can I help you?" He questioned.

San cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm looking for Tharn." 

"He's in the shower. Is there a message you'd like me to relay back to him?" 

San looked him up and down. His stature wasn't petite, but it wasn't muscular either. He was pale and there were no blemishes on his body. He still couldn't understand why Tharn would end up going for someone like him.

"I was sent to wake him up. Breakfast should be ready soon." He informed Type. 

"Great. We'll just finish up what we were doing and hurry downstairs." He said before closing the door in San's face, not even waiting for a response.

Tharn exited the shower after he heard the door shut. "What was that?"

"Breakfast will be ready soon. We should head down there soon." Type told him, leaning against the counter by the sink. 

"We'll continue this some other time then." Tharn smirked at his boyfriend and leaned in to place a small kiss on his lips.



Breakfast was over quick. San didn't talk much, for which Type was very thankful for. 

He still wanted to talk to Tharn about it, but didn't know when to bring it up. There never would be a right time to bring up something like that and he had to do it when they were alone. 

Every time he glanced at San, San was staring at Tharn. Even if San had been pining after Tharn for years, he should acknowledge the fact that Tharn now had a boyfriend.

Type finally spoke up, feeling the need to make San acknowledge it. "Well, I hope you don't have plans today." He said, turning toward Tharn, who sat next to him at the table. "I figured, before we go back to my place, we could go to the mall. I told you I would buy you a new necklace to replace the old one you threw away yesterday."

"Necklace?" San questioned. 

"Yeah." Type nodded with a small smile. "It was this necklace with a guitar pendent." 


"Well, anyway, let's go to the mall later. I'll let you pick it out so you get one you actually like this time."

Tharn smirked, seeing right through his jealous boyfriend's act. He placed a small kiss on Type's cheek and wrapped his arm around his waist. "Okay. Whatever you want." 

Type smiled softly, knowing Tharn had caught on. 

Tharn's mother smiled. "Well, I think I'm going to go clean up." She said standing up. "Thanya, please make sure to do the dishes."

"Yes, mother." 

"Let's go watch a movie." Type stood up from the table and grabbed Tharn's hand pulling him along with him.

Tharn smile and let himself be pulled along to the living room.


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