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Type stood in front if his mirror, looking himself over in the mirror for the third time. He had picked out a comfortable, but nice looking, outfit. It may have taken him a few tries, but he was satisfied with how he currently looked. Besides, even if he wasn't, Tharn was going to arrive any moment so he wouldn't have enough time to change.

Just as he was thinking about it, a knock sounded on the other side of the door. Type had to take a few deep breaths before he actually opened up.

When he did, he was met with Tharn, who was standing on the other side, looking as if he had just walked off of a runway. He was wearing a plain white, button down shirt that was tucked into a pair of dark jeans. His outfit was completed with a midnight blue bomber jacket. His hair wasn't styled, instead it just lay down on his forehead.

Type could contain his smile when his eyes landed on Tharn, and Tharn was the exact same way with Type. Both of them stood on either side of the door, smiling like idiots, for a few moments before Tharn spoke up.

"You look nice." He said, examining Type's figure with his eyes.

Type chuckled softly and nodded. "As do you."

"I hope I'm not to early or anything."

"Your timing is perfect." Type told him with a smile. "Let me just grab my jacket and we can go."

The drive to the pub wasn't too long of one. They spent most of it talking about what they wanted to sing at the karaoke or if there was anything new going on at the photography club.

Tharn pulled into the parking lot and parked toward the back. Most of the spots were already taken, so he had to search a bit for one.

"How is football practice going?" Tharn questioned as they made their way inside and found an empty table toward the front.

Type nodded. "It's going." He and Tharn let out a collective chuckle.

"That bad?"

"Yeah, but I get it." Type told him. "The first game is coming up next week, so we are practicing twice as hard as we will after the first game." He explained.

Tharn smiled. "Speaking of next week. My parents are going out of town, and they'll be gone on the same day of your game. I was wondering if you would like to come stay at my house that night."

Type smiled softly and looked down. "Sure."

"Great. And because I'm already sure you're going to win, I've planned a great celebration." He leaned a bit closer and lowered his voice. "For just the two of us."

Type looked away, falling a bit shy from Tharn's words. He nudged him softly with his elbow to make him move back into his original position.

Tharn smirked and moved back like Type wanted. This didn't stop him from resting his hand on Type's knee, under the table, though.

They ordered themselves some non alcoholic drinks and watched as people got up on the small stage and started singing their chosen songs. Most of them were enjoyable, but, of course, there were also ones that made the two young men cringe.

The night went smoothly. Though it was considered their first date, it didn't feel like it at all. They both figured it would be awkward since they had only ever really casually hung out before. That wasn't the case, though. The two of them were able to joke and have fun as if it was any other day.

"Are you going to go up there?" Type questioned, leaning a bit closer so their arms were completely touching.

Tharn shook his head. "I don't know. I thought about it, but I don't know."

"Please. Please. Please." Typw begged, leaning his body farther into Tharn's. "I'll give you a reward of you sing me a good song." He smirked softly.

"You have two sides to you, Type." He shook his head with a small smile and stood up.

A few people clapped and cheered for him. Type was definitely the loudest.

Tharn took his spot on stage and told the tech guy which song he wanted to sing.

It was an English song. The first English song Tharn had ever learnt. Tennessee Skyline.

Type swayed to the sound the music playing over the speakers on either side of the room. He smiled softly listening to the guitar play as Tharn began singing.

Type had never got to hear Tharn sing. He had only watched him play his instruments.

Listening to it now, though, Type felt himself enter into a trance. All of his attention was focused on Tharn. His ears took in a processed his angelic voice.

He couldn't hold his smile as he watched Tharn in his safe and happy place. He also couldn't deny the face Tharn put on when he was singing. He was like a whole new person. Type felt to shy to admit to himself that this face Tharn had made him feel hot inside.

The music ended to quickly and Type was released from his trance.

Tharn walked off of the stage and took his seat next to Type once again. "How was it?"

Type nodded with a wide smile. "It was really good."

"I guess that means I get a nice reward." He commented softly.

Type rolled his eyes and pushed him away slightly. "I never said it was that kind of reward."

Tharn raised his hands in defense. "I never said anything of the sorts. You're the one with the perverted mind."

Type smacked him on the arm hard, making him wince.

"And Eve said I was the one who was going to corrupt you." Tharn snorted. "As if."

Type smiled softly and leaned against Tharn as the next person walked up onto the stage.

They continued through the night having fun and laughing with one another until the pub was closing.


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