CHAPTER 3:Not turning back

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"I want to learn!", Yongseung said.

Yeonho looked at the younger and saw him aggressively nodding his head.

"Minnie, are you sure?", He asked.

"We are still learning ourselves, it would be fun to have
Yongseung-hyung too, and besides Hoyoung-hyung always said the more the merrier, even if the person is from a non-magic family", Kangmin stated.

Yeonho giggled and patted his head.

"Sure Yongseungie, meet us tomorrow at Minnie's house, I'll send you the address and we'll go to the Magic Academy together", Yeonho said.

Yongseung is excited, he read alot of books about magic, now he will figure out if they are true or not, he's thankful that Yeonho and Kangmin were glad to have him in their Academy.

He got Yeonho's message and woke up early to get ready.

Yongseung got there before Yeonho so he rang the doorbell and saw Mrs.Yoo come out.

"Hi! I'm Yongseung, Kangmin's friend. May I come in?", He asked.

She looked at him and smiled,
"You look adorable! I'm glad Kangmin is making more friends, and of course you may", She said, letting him inside the house.

"Is everyone in your family a warlock?", He asked.

She shook her head and explained that it will skip one generation, he looked apologetic but she assured that it was fine, and kindly asked him to wake Kangmin up.

Yeonho also got there and when he rang the doorbell, two smiling faces answered it.

"Let's go Yeonnie-hyung", Kangmin said, holding both of their hands, as they walked to the academy together.

Yongseung was a little nervous, so Kangmin gave him a quick peck on the cheeks.

"Don't worry, he also does that when he notices I'm nervous too", Yeonho assured.

Yongseung smiled and kissed the youngest's cheeks in return, and Yeonho did the same.

Kangmin saw Minchan again, and this time infront of the Academy, something was weird and he didn't like it.

"Channie-hyung? What are you doing here?", He asked.

Minchan looked at him and ruffled his hair.

"I didn't know you attend this Academy, a cousin of mine teaches here", he explained.

"Who?", Yeonho asked.

"Does the name Jo Gyehyeon ring a bell?", He asked again.

Kangmin's eyes were glowing in excitement.

His hero is his favorite teacher's cousin.

Yongseung stood his ground, his first day was a little rough, but everytime he looked behind him...

He saw his friends cheering for him,
"You can do it Seungie-hyung!!", Kangmin cheered.

Yeonho dealt with the people who messed with Yongseung today.

Minchan went with them as their guardian while he waited for them to go to Gyehyeon's class.

"Gye-hyung is our next class", Kangmin said, smiling at him.

When they got inside Gyehyeon's classroom...

The Professor was shocked to see his dear cousin inside.

"Minchan-hyung! Long time no see", He said, hugging him.

Minchan hugged back and whispered something.

"Don't tell them I use magic, don't let Kangmin know",
Gyehyeon shook his head at the idea but nodded after.

Yongseung felt proud of himself, he was able to conjure fire on his first day and Hoyoung practically stuck himself with the younger who had so many questions.

Gyehyeon went gentle on him when they explained that he was from a non-magic family.

"You'll be the first one then, and that'll be great!", He said, patting Yongseung's back.

Minchan stayed at the back of the classroom, and was intently watching the youngest's every action.

He learnt that Kangmin was quite the slow learner, but he would always find a way to make it work, he noticed it was the reason his cousin is fond of said boy.

He didn't notice that Hoyoung was beside him also watching his actions.

"You're not turning back from this aren't you?", The older asked.

He just simply shook his head and Hoyoung left him to do his thing.

At the Academy, Hoyoung was Kangmin's parental figure, the wizard's physical age is 22 but his real age is 500 years old.

"He's your what!?", Yongseung asked.

"In loco parentis, he acts like a parent to me when my parents aren't here", Kangmin explained.

This got Yeonho thinking, Gyehyeon acts like his In loco parentis, but he didn't want too, he likes the older in a way that scared him a little bit.

Yongseung put a hand to his shoulder and asked him if everything is fine.

"Yeah! Thanks Seungie", He said, faking a smile.

He has always liked the way Gyehyeon looked, just everything about him is to die for...

Atleast in Yeonho eyes.

Tomorrow was Sunday, and there was no school, so Hoyoung invited everyone to go to the mall.

"Sure, I'm free!", Kangmin said.

Gyehyeon nodded his head and the Juniors also agreed to going, and now all eyes were on Minchan.

"I have a shift all day tomorrow, sorry", He lied.

Gyehyeon shook his head and hit his back.

"You're always busy hyung!", he exclaimed.

Kangmin found this weird,
He knew Gyehyeon is 489 years old, and his physical age is 21, but here he is calling Minchan "hyung".

"Gye, can you not call me hyung infront of them? Kangmin looked at us weirdly earlier", Minchan whispered.

"Fine, but don't me mad at me old man!", Gyehyeon exclaimed.

"Just because I'm a fucking 497 year old sorcerer doesn't mean I'm really old, my physical age is 22, dipshit", Minchan sniggered.

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