CHAPTER 8:To the movies

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Kangmin decided it is a great idea to skip to the academy, almost getting hit by a speeding vehicle isn't one of them though.

"What's with me and vehicles like", He mumbled to himself after he took a leap of faith, and casually having the driver to stop.

Minchan saw this and arrested the man.

"Sir you were speeding", He said as he handcuffed him and took him to the station.

Kangmin saw this but looked at him blankly, He is still mad at him.

Yeonho ran to him when he saw what happened and made sure that he was okay and checked if he had bruises and stuff, thankfully he seems in perfect shape.

Hoyoung waited for them at the front and sent a glare to Minchan who was looking at Kangmin, his car windows were rolled down.

"You know Channie, you're wasting your potential working for someone evil like you know who", He whispered and entered once the students were all in.

Since they got expelled, Hoyoung and Gyehyeon gave them extra classes to teach them about normal school stuff,to their disbelief, but is said that it is for their own good.

"I could get used to this, only 5 of us here, no disruptions",Yongseung said, pulling out his camera and testing it out.

"I kind off feel bad for
Dongheon-hyung though, He really wanted to go to that dance", Kangmin sighed and unexpectedly said person barges inside the classroom looking for him.

"I heard what happened, I'm sorry my name is Lee Dongheon", He said, bowing at Hoyoung and Gyehyeon.

"We heard, you're quite the popular type", He heard Hoyoung say.

Dongheon also revealed that he did have interest in magic, which is mainly why he befriended Kangmin, besides the younger's adorable personality of course.

Hoyoung and Gyehyeon welcomed him and taught him the basics, He struggled with it, but he'll get the hang off it soon.

"Let's go see a movie", Hoyoung suggests, after a long day, they all wanted a break from education, so they all agreed with him, and took a quick route to the cinema.

Hoyoung told them that he'll be paying for everything but the foods and drinks, so he bought the ticket for
'The Nutcracker and the four realms'(I love this movie), and played rock-paper-scissors and the loser pays for the foods and drinks.

Kangmin lost but Dongheon went with him to help him carry.

"Well well well, look who's here", That voice sent shivers on Kangmin's spine, it was the voice he dreaded hearing.

He didn't have to look to know who it was,
Dongheon tapped his shoulder and said that their order has arrived, it looks like it was just his imagination.

Once they entered the cinema, they quickly sat down, and they silenced their phones before this so they were set,all they had to do was watch,
But these voices won't go away.

"Kangmin, is everything okay?",Yongseung asked.

He shook his head and told him about the voices.

Yongseung tapped Gyehyeon who sat beside him and asked him about it.

"Well Chan-hyung is as you believed a non-magic person, so it must be someone else who's manipulating Kangmin's mind into hearing his voice", He whispered.

And this was true except for the non-magic part, Minchan is a powerful sorcerer, but he can't go into people's minds, that's one of his weaknesses.

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