CHAPTER 19:Under the Moonlight

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Minchan woke up first today and saw the sky looking grey, it was obvious that it was gonna rain.

He stood up from his bed and checked on Kangmin, who was peacefully asleep,
"Cute", he muttered.

Minchan then took an early shower so he can be the one making breakfast today, it was like a hidden talent of his, because the only people who knew he could cook was Gyehyeon and Hoyoung.

He actually had a brother, who was lost for almost 300 years now, said boy was purposely forgotten by his parents.

If Minchan considered them one, he was so fucking guilty for it and until now he tried finding him.

He shook his head away from his thoughts and removed the waffles before they burnt, placed them on a plate, surrounded them with berries and syrup.

"Goodmorning, darling", Minchan flinched a little when he heard that from Kangmin, the younger then giggling slightly.

"Goodmorning angel", The older said back, still a little flustered.

Kangmin made both of them hot chocolate and Minchan can't help but admire him,
"Kangmin, why are you so pretty?", he asked.

"Uhh, I don't know", Kangmin shyly answered.

Minchan smiled again as he backhugged his boyfriend, then kissing the tip of his ears, earning a small whine from Kangmin.

"You're so cute", he added.

"Well, you are hot as fuck", Kangmin giggled.

Then just like that, grey clouds left the atmosphere.

"Suddenly, today's a beautiful day", Kangmin said.

"Everyday is a beautiful day as long as I'm with you", Minchan giggled.

"You flirty asshole, you're lucky I love you", Kangmin said back as he pulled Minchan for another kiss.

They pulled out and decided to finish their breakfast so Minchan's efforts wouldn't go to waste.

They then spent time cuddling on the couch and watching random shit on TV.

"Wanna go to the park?", The sorcerer asked, Kangmin gave him a small nod and both parties untangled themselves from each other to dress up.

The park was only a few kilometers away, so they just wore something simple, and walked their way towards the park.

Alot of kids were present, and one boy even pulled Kangmin towards the sandbox.

"Mr, can we play?", he asked, an eyesmile showing.

Kangmin smiled and nodded his head, sitting on the sandbox as well, Minchan was in awe and smiled as he watched a baby play with a kid.

"Mr, want to play the monster?", The kid asked again, tugging on Minchan's sleeve.

And that's how they spent the rest of their day, the couple learnt that the kid's name is "Woonggi", and the boy was happy when he learnt that the two were dating.

"That's great! I have 2 moms", Woonggi smiled, and this made their heart flutter.

Woonggi's parents then went to the sandbox to collect their child,
"Uhh hi, I'm Mirae, thank you for playing with him, he always does this, pulling random strangers to play with him", one said.

"No problem, he is such a bright child, it's good to see him this happy", Minchan said.

"Are you two a couple?", The other asked.

"We are", Kangmin smiled, and saw the two moms smile again.

And that's how they made more friends, and since it was getting late, Minmin bid their goodbyes to Woonggi and his moms.

"Hyung", this was the first thing Kangmin said when they entered their house again.

"Yes baby?", Minchan asked.

"I want a child as well", Kangmin admitted, looking down.

Minchan giggled and raised his head to give him a kiss.

"Want to bear one or to adopt?", he asked.

"Both", The younger giggled.

"Let's wait until you are legal then, I want to have kids as well", The sorcerer said, Kangmin was overjoyed and was chanting alot of "Thanks".

"But, how can I bear one?", Kangmin suddenly asked.

"Hoyoungie has a safe spell that works well", Minchan smiled, and when he called Hoyoung about this, the older wizard was happy to help.

But of course, they have to wait until Kangmin is legal, which will be 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years from now.

If they get to live that long.

They sat themselves on the couch again, as the ambiance of dusk takes over the living room.

When the sun has fully set, the moon came up and it looked beautiful, the way it shone on the living room.

Minchan then opened the radio, and held a hand out to Kangmin.

"Wanna dance?", he asked.

Kangmin giggled and took his hand, he leaned on Minchan's chest as they danced under the moonlight.

Soft breaths were heard and as love songs kept playing their hearts are growing again.

"I love you hyung", Kangmin said, looking up at him.

"I love you too Kangmin", Minchan said back, pulling him for a kiss.

This chapter is a little shorter but I hope ya'll still enjoyed this as much as the others.

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