- Prologue -

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Her heart pounds anxiously as she peeks timidly around her door frame, her cautious green eyes glinting with tears as she watches her drunken father mumble incoherently as he falls unconscious on the armchair in the trashed living room.

She frowns and releases the quietest of breaths as she glances to his knuckles, the knuckles that bear evidence to his mistreating of her; his unbuttoned jean's only forcing her mind to flicker with memories of his cruellest form of abuse towards her.

She hadn't deserved tonight's punishments as he had so nonchalantly referred to it, nor did she ever deserve it.

Her father was not a father at all. His eyes and heart had only ever reflected one thing: evil. He didn't love her. This wasn't love. It couldn't be. For in her eyes, he was the devil; spending his days torturing and breaking her soul in new and sickeningly imaginative ways so that no other could love her the way she so desperately yearned for.

She shakes her head softly while clenching her eyes shut as she wills the dark thoughts from her fragile mind. She hums to herself whilst swaying slightly in an effort to calm herself and gain control of the thoughts crossing her mind this late at night.

Thankfully, her battle appears momentarily victorious as she feels the thoughts fade away; hiding in the shadows once more until her next 'punishment'.

She lifts her gaze to the broken window of her room before silently pushing her beat-up door closed as a small flicker of hope appears in her tired eyes.

The swollen lid continues to throb as she walks to the window with intent. She silently and effortlessly slides the window up before glancing instinctively over her shoulder for the cruel creature she hoped was still passed out in the living room.

She let's the ghost of a smile pass by her lips as relief washed over her at the empty room behind her. Then, with a deep breath, she lifts her legs and swings them over the edge of the windows ledge, her heart continuing to hammer away as she makes the short jump to the snowy ground below.

"Fuck," she breathes as she stumbles slightly.

She glances around herself for only a brief moment as the snow falls around her violently. The haunting howls of the angry winds only seeming to echo loudly in her ears as she stumbles through the thick layer of snow to the house just next door.

She lifts her head and brushes her flowing fiery locks of red hair from her face with a huff as her arms wrap around herself in a weak attempt to protect herself from the harsh cold air attacking her every exposed pore. Her brows raise at the lack of light emitting from his window, surprise washing over her.

She thinks for a moment; planning her next move carefully.

"You're gonna catch your death out here, Ava."

She lifts her head and breathes a sigh of relief as her eyes take in the older woman just feet away, standing in the doorway of the back door with a firm yet warm expression.

Avery says nothing as her eyes once more peek up at the window above, her body trembling as the cold continues to attack her petite body mercilessly.

The older woman smiles with understanding swirling in her wise eyes, her arm outstretching towards the young teen standing in the cold. "Come on. I'm sure he is awake and expecting you." She gestures with her head, causing Avery to nod silently, her tired and sore body dragging itself to the door with a small frown.

"Thank you, Evelyn." She mumbles gratefully, her voice barely audible as she enjoys the warmth of the brightly lit kitchen.

"Oh, Ava." Evelyn whispers with a sympathetic expression, her gaze locked on Avery's split lip and black eye.

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