- Chapter Five: Thanksgiving -

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The Mercer house buzzes with life as the five adults that had spent a significant amount of their childhood growing up in it, enjoy their Thanksgiving as a family one woman had formed.

Avery smiles slightly with raised brows as she discreetly gives Angel's lady friend who Bobby branded with the nickname 'la vida loca' a once over when passing her on the stairs. She remains quiet as she slips past the attractive woman shouting on the stairs at Bobby and heads towards the kitchen with the intention of getting away from the drama.

She feels her heart stutter slightly as she enters the kitchen, her eyes meeting Jack's blue ones as he looks up and offers her a smile.

They say nothing for a moment as Avery walks over to the countertop with a smile, her eyes brightening with life a little more as she jumps up to sit on it with her legs dangling and a grin on her face. Her previous saddened mood had washed away with the water in the shower she had had earlier.

The reality of the truth behind Carter's earlier words seemed to hit her now. He had been right to end things. In fact, his understanding reaction was much more than she felt she deserved. Though, she truly appreciated it from the bottom of her heart.

"What did I miss?" She asks Jack as she glances to the living room where Angel and Bobby continue to bicker about Angel's new lady friend staying in the house.

Jack smirks, "Angel brought La vida loca back and wants her to stay here but Bobby isn't having any of it."

"Aww, why not? She seems so nice." Avery remarks sarcastically whilst reaching for the jar of peanut butter on the counter beside her, a grin forming on her face as Jack hands her a spoon with a knowing smile.

"I don't understand what Angel see's in her. She's crazy." Jack says as he leans against the counter beside Avery with folded arms, his brows knitted thoughtfully. "Maybe he likes that." He shrugs.

"Yeah, but you can't deny that she is gorgeous. She has that going for her." Avery comments whilst bringing a spoonful of peanut butter to her mouth with a satisfied moan leaving her lips as she swallows it.

Jack smiles as he watches her, the words slipping from his lips before he can stop them. "So do you... amongst other things." He tells her.

Avery smiles as she stares back at him, appreciation swirling in her eyes when she suddenly lifts her spoon and wipes a small dollop of peanut butter on his nose, a giggle escaping her. "Dork." she says playfully as he chuckles and reaches up to scoop it off with his finger before bringing it to his mouth, sucking the peanut butter off whilst keeping eye contact with her.

He watches with amusement as her gaze flicks from his eyes to his mouth before she clears her throat and averts her gaze to the growing mess around them from preparing dinner.

"Jesus, what happened?" She mutters with wide eyes as she takes in the trash and food littering each countertop.

"Shit. I got to baste the turkey."

"Oh, you're cooking?" Avery asks as she watches him open the oven and grab the turkey baster with a frown on his face as he concentrates on what he is doing. "The mess suddenly makes sense now." She teases with a smirk as he flips her off.

She laughs lightly and shakes her head whilst digging her spoon in the peanut butter once more as Jack closes the oven and turns to her. "Are you okay after everything this morning?" He asks with mild concern.

Avery smiles softly as she looks up, her eyes scanning his face for a moment before she nods. "Yeah, I think I am." She says.

"You know I'm here for you, right?"

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