The Start of a new day

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"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Lexi! Happy Birthday to you!" I hear my mom come in my room as I begin to wake up. My mom has a little cupcake in her hand with a single candle lit. "I know it's my birthday but can't I just sleep in a little? It's still Summer!" "Lexi, come on..I have a surprise for you!" My head popped up. "Really? What is it?" " Well I can't exactly tell you unless you are all ready to leave!" She tell me. "Ugh! Fineee." "That's the spirit honey!" She said sarcastically.

So I get out of bed, take a shower, and try in some new clothes I got. I was interrupted by my mom, "HONEY THERE IS A PACKAGE AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!" Even though she is downstairs and I am upstairs..she doesn't have to yell so loud. I walk downstairs and take the box. "My sister Holly must've sent you a birthday gift. Open it!" My mom nagged. "Can't this wait?" I am just not in the mood to open anything up right now. I just want to get ready and leave for my surprise. "Just open it or I will!" Gosh she's being awful demanding. It must be something good. My Aunt always sends me this craft crap. But maybe she came through for my 16th birthday! I tore open the box and I was literally starting to cry. I had no words at all. This is just amazing! I can't believe my own Aunt got this for me. I was literally on the floor crying by this point. "Well, try it on!" I took it out of it's package and slipped it on over my coral crop top and looked in the mirror. Standing before me was this girl named Lexi wearing an official Nash Grier Hoodie!

I am a hugeeeee fan of him. I've been there from the start of it all. I was there even before he got his first 500 followers. Now he has what...10.6 Million followers...let alone a clothing line at Aeropostale. He is incredibly handsome and makes me laugh when I can't even smile at myself. He is truly my hero.

"Now go finish getting ready! I'm leaving here at 10:00 with or without you even if it is your birthday!" I look at our wall clock, it read, 9:35. I still have to fix my hair, do my makeup, and now that I have this, I have to pick out a new outfit!

I am done at 9:57. I have my brown hair in a fishtail braid with little makeup and my outfit is now washed denim jeans with my galaxy vans and my new favorite thing in the hoodie! I am so excited for what my surprise is!

We step in the car and my mom tells me to put a blind fold on. I first tell her no because it would mess up my makeup. Then after a few tries I end up wearing it.
*20 Minutes later*
"We're here!" My mom says as I try to take my blind fold off. "No, No, No, No, No" she bats my hands away. "You must keep that on until further notice. Here, take this." She puts a lot of paper in my hand. It's short rectangular paper with a certain texture I couldn't quite make out. I know wha-"Money!" I yell before I could even finish my own thought. "Yes, Yes, now take off your blindfolded and count it!" I take off my blindfold and realize I'm at the mall. I look down at the money. $20-$40-$60-$80-$100-$120-$140-$160-$180-$200! "$200?! Mom, I can't take this! This-This is a lot of money!" "I know sweetie, and this is my present to you. Happy Sweet Sixteen Lexi! I love you so much!" "I love you too!" "Honey, I'll have my phone on me if you need m-" "I wish dad were here." My thoughts escaped my mouth before I could stop anything. "Oh Lexi, he's been gone for 6 years now. It's hard for me too. Seeing you turn 16 without him here to support y-you." She started to break out in tears. "I'm sorry I brought it up. I didn't mean to say that. It kinda just slipped out of my mouth." "Lexi, ever since your father died, I have tried to manage 2 jobs just to pay for our bills. I miss him just as much as you do. But he is gone. There is nothing we can do about it." "I love you mom...I'm sorry I've been so ungrateful lately." "I should be the one who should apologize, I've haven't been around that much...I've missed so much since I've been at work. But there's no time for that! We have a day to spend at the mall! Like I was trying to say before, I have my phone on me if you need anything! Be careful and don't talk to strangers!"

We said our goodbyes and I headed for my traditional mall stop...Starbucks. I'd have to wait in a long line but I'd be worth it.
*5 minutes later*
"Hello welcome to Starbucks Cafe! How may I help you?" The nice lady asked. "I'll have a grande Vanilla Bean Frappé please with a chocolate chip cookie." "$1.25 is your total, and what's your name?" "Wait. $1.25?" "Yeah, it's your birthday right?" She pointed at a pin my mom must've stuck on me while I was blindfolded. "Ahh, yes. It is, thank you! And my name is Lexi." She put my name on the cup and set it aside. I walked over to the side bar and went on Twitter.
My phone vibrated, Nash must've tweeted. I get notifications when he tweets now. The tweet read,
"@NashGrier: Hanging with my bro (@HayesGrier) down in SC at the mall."
I got excited for a second, then realized there are hundreds of Malls in SC. It couldn't be the one I'm at. "Lexi?" I grab my coffee and cookie and the guy told me happy birthday and I left for the food court. I know I got a coffee and a cookie but I'm is my life. I wait in line for Chick Fil A forever and finally get my chicken nuggets. I ordered 10 so I count them to make sure I have all 10. I find a spot and sit down. I look up at the giant clock that read 12:17. As I look back at my food I get a single glimpse of someone I wasn't expecting. I rub my eye,(making sure not to ruin my eye-makeup), to see if it really is him. I look back over there and he's gone. I must've been hallucinating, is this what fan girling has come to? I look back down at my chicken and finish eating. I drink the rest of my Starbucks and then throw my trash away. I turned around from dumping my trash and I literally bumped into someone...

A/N I really hope you guys like this new book. I gave up on the old one cause I got writers block but I've planned out the whole story on this one👌
xx, Kolbie🍍

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