Episode 7

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Chapter 7

Because the boys had been acting up lately, we were all punished together. We had to carry Wihwa one day up the mountain to meditate. The boys were carrying him while I was made fan him. "I told you. Roommates are like one. You sleep together and wake up together. However, someone was wandering around alone at night." Wihwa told us. God damnit Seonu. "That is unspeakable. Do you not agree Dog-Bird?" Dog-Bird is Seonu's nickname.

"You really are something." Banryu told him. "Look at what you're putting us through." Can't blame him with that one. "Hold him up properly." Suho called to the boys in the back, my brother and Banryu. Suho and Seonu were holding up the front and Yeoul was in the middle, holding it from the bottom. The poor boy was struggling and I'd say his back was killing him. I offered but the boys wouldn't let me carry. He was heavy apparently. "We're holding all the weight up on this side," Suho told them at the back, struggling to hold the thing on his side. "Pa-Oh would be surprised if he saw this." My brother grumbled to me and I nodded in agreement. "Now I can finally see the peak." Wihwa said. We reached the top of the mountain finally, after hours of walking and the rest of the boys passing us out. We all sat cross-legged on the peak of the mountain, looking out and I had to be honest, the view was stunning.

"As members of Silla's Hwarang, be like that sun. Be renewed each day, and be passionate each day. Burn away any prejudice or arrogance. You must be reborn. Do you understand?" We all chorused a yes as an answer to Master Wihwa.

We were doing laundry and then later that day as punishment too. Banryu walked over holding an armful of laundry to pass to Seonu and Suho and he dropped it in front of them.

"You should do these for what you have done to us. If you make me receive punishment again, it will not end as easily as this." He said, walking off. "Ah, he hasn't changed." Suho said, sighing. Well, his violent tendencies have minimalised ever since I threatened to use my sword skills on him. It's progress.

"How can he always be so rude?" Suho continued. He turned to Seonu. "You should do my laundry too. I worked really hard earlier. Forget it. Just tell me what happened. What were you doing at that hour?" Suho pressed. Seonu was silent for a while before answering. "You have a sister right?"

I think Suho told him how to treat a sister, because later on when I was talking a walk around Hwarang House campus with Yeoul , I saw Seonu and Aro talking and he tried to take her into a headlock but was really weird and awkward about it. It was quite funny I had to admit.

That night, we were all settling down to go to sleep. I was studying for the assignment the next day and my brother was sitting beside me. Seonu was sitting at the small table and chairs we had in the room and Yeoul walked over to him, sitting down in one of the chairs beside him. "How much do you think you can learn like that? You will be the first to leave Hwarang House anyway. Do not waste your energy. Apart from him annoying you," He paused, pointing to Banryu, "It will still be hard for you to survive here." Seonu put a hand under his chin and turned to look at Yeoul. "Please mind your own business. I have no interest in you." He said, in monotone voice. I laughed a bit to myself. Yeah, there is a rumour that Yeoul could be gay. No one knows. He doesn't deny it, but he doesn't confirm it either. I think he just likes playing around with the rumour, making people think he is, because it's funny. Also, he is a beautiful man, it's almost feminine, and is so confident in himself that people just think he's gay. He put a hand on his heart when Seonu made that comment as if he was hurt. "I feel like I have been put down." He replied.

"A King and water..." Suho thought. "Where could the King be?" My brother snapped his head in Suho's direction, and then looked down at me. "Why does that matter? A King without a face is powerless. You cannot call that a King." Banryu spoke up and I could hear Jinheung sigh in frustration beside me. I was tired so I put my book down and lay my head on his shoulder. "You tired? Why don't you sleep?" He asked me softly. "I will, just let me stay here for a second." I said, and I felt him kiss my head and then held one of my hands. I seriously have no idea where I'd be with my brother.

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