Chapter 15

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"Are you really the King of Silla? How can I believe you?" The Prince said. "You are the one who asked me to step forward. If you were not going to believe me, you should not have asked." The Prince chuckled slightly. "I like your boldness."

We were put back in the jail cell again. I stared blankly at the blood on my hand and robes, the images playing in my head on loop like a movie, making me sick to my stomach. Suho was packing back and forth. "We need to do something. He might be killed."

Banryu spoke up. "Do you believe that jerk is the King?" "Yes I do. Why don't you?" Suho asked. "Let's say he is. What could we do? None of us can do anything." I'm not being biased here towards Banryu, but he's right. We can't do anything. We can't put Silla at risk by attacking first.

"We could break down the gate and fight with him." Suho argued back. I couldn't deal with them arguing again, not now. I usually can but not today. I will go over there and whack the two of them if it ends up turning into a full-blown argument. I was still welling up with tears, I didn't need this on top of that.

"'The Hwarangs who were sent to prevent a war attacked Baekje first'. Is that what you want to hear? Do you want to be the cause of a war?!" Banryu screamed at the end, and I flinched at the volume and and viciousness of his voice. He's never raised his voice like that. Not even at Seonu, who he claims to hate. He's soft-spoken all the time, part of what makes him scarier when he's angry. "Stop. I swear to god, right now. I can't deal with you two arguing okay? Not now." I said, gritting my teeth angrily. I could see Banryu's face change to guilt. Suho sighed.

"What's the point of arguing amongst ourselves?" My brother spoke up.

For some reason the tears kept falling, and I just threw my head in my hands. After a while I raised my head again, I had kind of stopped crying but I was still seeing the dead bodies every time I closed my eyes, when I looked up, my eyes locked with Banryu and for some reason they started falling again. I didn't care. I got straight up, went over to him, threw my arms around his waist and buried my head in his chest, silent tears falling. He didn't seem to care about the boys there either, because one of his arms wrapped around my shoulders and the other went to my head almost instantly. He rested his head on mine.

And it was the safest I had felt since getting to Baekje.

Banryu and I wound up sitting on the floor, side by side, and I fell asleep on his shoulder for a while until the door of the cell opened and Seonu walked in. "Are you alright?" Suho asked, instantly getting up from his seat to greet him. "I mean, are you alright, Your Majesty?" Suho said. He kind of nodded and then went to lean against one of the walls and sleep.

"Are you really the King?" Banryu spoke up. "Tell me." He added sternly. I swear, I'm going to hurt him if he starts a fight. I don't care if he's my boyfriend, he's been on edge ever since we got here.

"I asked if you were the King!!!" He said, raising his voice. "Banryu stop it." I said snapped. "We don't need this. We're in enough trouble as it is. I get it, you're on edge, we all are. I have been an anxious mess ever since we got here. Stop for once, please. That's enough." I begged him. He looked at me apologetically.

"Yes. I am the King. At least until we get out of here." Seonu said. "Then, are you saying you will not be afterwards?" Banryu asked.

"I will tell you if I am the King or not once we get out of here. If we live, the King will stay alive. And you will stay alive too."

Suho spoke up. "What do you plan on-" He stopped himself, "It is awkward to treat you with respect so suddenly. What do you plan on doing?"

"I will fight the Prince." My eyes widened. So did Suho and Jinheung's. That could go one of two ways.

Faceless King, Hidden Princess (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now