Bonus Chapter

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Hello!! So this is a little bonus chapter of everything that has happened from Banryu's point of view, and his life, seeing as this story is based on Haneul and him so I felt it would make sense to add in his points of view sometimes too so :D Hope you're enjoying so far, be sure to leave a comment if you want, I do respond :) Thank you so much for reading the book! And now onto the chapter :D 

I left my house, leaving my father and stepfather alone in the house to argue. I sighed when I got outside.

I'm meeting the three boys from my small friend group. Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a friend group. It's just kids I have to get along with because our parents want us to and it's all part of the bone ranking system. We hang out with other kids of officials of different ranks. My group for example, I'm the highest rank so I'm the leader, and then the other three are boys from families of levels lower than mine, so level two is a rank higher than 3, and so on. So they end up being more of a clique. Personally, I'd rather just keep to myself, but that's not an option. Two of the guys in my group are fine but there's one and he's just..I don't know. He's got an ego problem. 

We met outside of the theatre place where we go a lot to drink and sit down. Once we got inside girls around us freaked out. "Banryu is here." I couldn't care less that they think I'm the best looking or that they want to date me. They literally only want to date me because of my bloodline and my ranking in Silla. My thoughts were interrupted by more excited giggles and I could hear girls announcing that Suho was also here. I sighed and turned around to see him walking to us but stopping a few feet away, his boys beside him.

His stupid smile left his face when he saw me. I glanced at the ground and then back up at him, waiting for him to say something. "Is there any way I don't have to see that face? Seeing him makes me want to throw up everything I ate. 3 years ago." Suho commented, a disgusted look on his face. We've been at each other for years and that's all he can come up with?

A girl spoke up and our eyes went to look at her. "Seeing them side by side, Suho's definitely better looking." Some agreed. I frowned slightly. Is that all they care about in a guy? Another girl spoke up, and made Suho's smile disappear with her comment. "Banryu is the best of the best among the true bones." I smirked to myself.

"So annoying." Suho grumbled. My group and I went into one of the small VIP-like rooms in the place, where it was quieter. Kangsung, who's part of my group, and has the ego problem, had already drank too much within I would say half an hour. He was talking about some girl who tells stories. I was reading something of my own but I could still hear him in the background. He was so loud. "I must have a drink that she pours at some point later. Her stories are pretty good. I saw her earlier and her face is pretty good too." Yeah, like every female face he sees.

I sighed, and tried to not roll my eyes. This guy... The only reason he hangs out with us is because my stepfather asked me to. I learned the hard way through a black eye that no is not an option with my stepfather. The boys hit their glasses together. "We're out of alcohol. I'll get us more." Gibo said, about to get up but my voice stopped him and he sunk back down into his seat. "Kangsung. You go." I ordered. I didn't look up from what I was reading. "Banryu, why should I go?" He asked. I didn't want to do this. But I guess I have to for him to get the message.

"What colour is your father's robe?" I asked him simply, not looking at him yet. I saw him turn to look at me from the corner of my eye. I lowered what I was reading at stared at him. "It must be blue since he's a level-six official." I answered for him. "My stepfather is the highest official and my father was level three. Gibo's and Shin's fathers are level-five and four officials." I looked at Gi Bo and Shin who looked uncomfortable. "Naturally, their robe colour is burgundy. Just because we hang out together, you should not think you are the same." He was looking away from me as I said it, which to me is complete disrespect but like I said, I do not care for this kid. He turned his head to look at me and his face was angry. I raised my eyebrows at him, waiting for him to snap back at me, but he didn't. He left in a huff, and I went back to my reading.

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