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The faerie squirmed against the wooden pole, but it was useless. His hands were bound by magic, and there was no escaping my spellwork.

I continued around the pyre, carefully tending to the arrangement of the wood. It had to be perfect. If anything was out of place my life would remain in ruins.

Atop the cliff, everything below reminded me of certain death.

I felt water splash my ankles. I glanced up, noticing the skies getting darker. A storm was on its way.

I took a step back and admired my handiwork. It was a beauty. All that I wanted would soon be in my hands. It had to be.

I grabbed the faerie and stunned him. It's always better when they don't resist. I stared at his wings, momentarily reminded of the vision that once graced my shoulder blades. I was once a work of art. Beautiful shades of blue and yellow carried me through the skies, dazzling everyone wherever I went. The thought of it caused my blood to boil.

A deafening crack in the air snapped me back to the present moment.

Returning to the task at hand, I grabbed the Olishan Chalice and placed it in the pentagram. Gently, I slit the faerie's throat with my silver blade, allowing the blood to pool inside the golden goblet. Once it was filled to the brim, I placed the faerie on top of the pyre.

His eyes were still closed, as though he was dreaming. I smiled, wishing I could dream. Mine died many years ago. All that was left was the darkness.

Betrayal turns the soul dark. It leaves you devoid of the hope that once burned brightly.

At this point, I had grown tired of placing my trust in other creatures. It was time for me to take my power back. No more tricks from little leprechauns and faeries pretending to be true. No more lies. No more treachery and knives in the back.

"This time, I get what I am owed. All of it." I spat at the ground, scowling at the corpse.

The day we met, I had been drinking a little too heavily. I'll admit that. When Olu saw me in the tavern, he promised to get me home safely. His easygoing laugh led me to believe him, but I should have trusted my gut. Something about him rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was how he held my deep bronze arms so tightly when we walked, or how he reeked of smoke and wet dog. At the time, I thought he was just struggling to hold me up.

I believed that everything happened for a reason. When I woke up in the forest with my money gone and my wings missing, I felt all hope was lost. What could have possibly been the reason for this?

Now, I knew.

A lot of good is coming from this, I thought. I get my new home. I get my dignity back. Most importantly, I get my wings.

I bowed before the pyre, spread my arms wide, and lifted them into the heavens. A blazing fire swiftly bloomed. It was a captivating sight of maroon and orange, swirling like dancing dragons. When the last of the wood caught fire, I began my invocation.

I circled the flames, dancing with grace. A light rain began to fall, so I slowed down. Part of me desperately wanted to cast a spell to protect me from the storm, but it was impossible. The dance was elaborate and there was no turning back once the fire was lit. My heart pounded in my chest, nervous with anticipation.

There is no room for error here.

The sea churned and the fire raged higher than ever before. I almost froze in fear. What will I say once he appears before me? The witch only told me that I must speak my truth. My throat turned dry and my voice grew raspy as the rain began to pour harder.

Suddenly, a nightmare appeared. I dropped to my knees in reverence.

"Rise. Show me why you've chosen me on this day." His scaly green skin shone brightly even in the darkness. His red eyes pierced mine, and his lips curled into a sinister smirk.

I presented the blood-filled Olishan Chalice, three obsidian stones from Mount Kwanu, and an enchanted ivory egg from the Reikeen Marshes.

The sea god gazed at my offerings, taking his time to inspect them. "How did you come across this egg?" he asked.

"The witch of Almira gifted it to me for my service, Great One." I kept my face as expressionless as I could. My body turned to stone, but my insides were mush.

"Did she tell you of its origin?"

"No, Great One. Only that it would appease you."

He laughed and the air rumbled. Electricity crackled all around him. The egg vanished with a wave of his hand. He grabbed the obsidian stones and dropped one into the gold chalice. The chalice split into two, and the blood became a deep violet liquid.

I was not prepared for this.

"The Olishan Chalice indicates that your heart yearns for the chest of Miyana. If you can consume the drink without perishing, it is yours." He grinned.

My heart froze. The witch had not told me about this part of the ceremony. How was I to do this without perishing? Would it be ignorant of me to ask? Fuck. If only I knew what to do.

Speak your truth, she told me.

I grabbed the chalice, realizing the sea god had the other chalice in hand. "If I can do this, do I also regain my wings?" The words tumbled from my mouth before I could even stop them.

The sea god raised an eyebrow and my eyes widened. He stroked his beard, contemplating my request. "Considering that you have returned my egg, I shall grant you that as well." He tilted his head to the side and raised the cup as a toast.

I drank from the golden goblet, ensuring that nothing spilled from my lips. A fire traveled down my esophagus, setting my insides ablaze. My eyes widened in horror. My life flashed before my eyes as I dropped to my knees.

My lungs coughed incessantly. My body shook in pain. All I could think of was the new life I wanted to live. One where I could be who I was born to be. It invigorated me and instilled my sense of hope.

Slowly, my insides begin to cool.

I opened my eyes. The rain stopped. The chalice was empty. The pyre was dying out. The sea god was gone.

Had I done something wrong?

I had not perished, yet I received no further instruction. Tears pooled in my eyes, threatening to overwhelm me with emotion. I held back, not knowing if I was being tested.

Within moments, the clouds began to part, and a ray of light shined through. I allowed my attention to fall where the rays did.

A glint of gold caught my eye. A gasp escaped my lips. "The chest," I rasped. There it was, on an island just off the cliff.

This time the tears fell.

My chest heaved and my shoulders twitched. I felt myself grab them instinctively. My wings were back. Fully formed. I smiled.

This time, I could fly.

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