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Zehkuu stood before the large, red dragon, her brown eyes stern and hard. "Bow before me and submit," she said.

The dragon lurched in her direction, spewing its flames towards the young wizard. Embracing the fire, she drew her hands to her right hip, turned in a circle, and redirected the fire's energy back towards the dragon in the form of dark, dense smoke. Suddenly overwhelmed by the defense attack, the dragon's eyes burned from the thick fumes.

It screeched defiantly, veering its head side to side, and spreading its gigantic scaly wings. Before Zehkuu could approach, it took flight towards the Itundu River. The young wizard inhaled deeply, drawing upon her inner core. Launching herself into the air, she chased after the dragon, relieved that it would no longer be wreaking havoc in the middle of the city.

The beast dipped its head into the river, soothing its eyes. One hundred feet away, Zehkuu landed without a sound. She planted her bare feet into the earth, drawing its energy into her root chakra to anchor herself. She visualized herself as a tree and held the intention in her mind. Within moments, thick heavy roots shot up from the ground, twisting around the dragon's legs.

Before the beast could move, Zehkuu shifted her will on keeping the dragon's head underwater. Bubbles sprang forth, the dragon stilled. Raising her arms into the air, she slowly lifted its head up. The dragon stared at her with pleading eyes, causing Zehkuu to let her guard down.

This was a mistake.

Zehkuu dropped her arms with a frown. The dragon broke free from the roots and charged across the Itundu River, jaws open wide. A white light formed in its mouth. Zehkuu powered her throat chakra and released a violet beam of light that spread out in the shape of a cone.

Fire and smoke exploded between them.

The dragon was knocked back to the shores. It shrieked loudly, emitting an intense vibration. Zehkuu recoiled at the powerful waves. Dropping to her knees, she covered her ears but it was too late. Everything around her became a blur.

Her instincts kicked in as the ground began to tremble.

She formed a white cloud that carried her into the skies. A dense fog crept into the valley, blocking the dragon's attempt to follow. It was her closest attempt at invisibility.

Zehkuu was carried into the upper atmosphere where it was safest. In a daze, her body used the energy of the elements to heal. It drew from the moisture in the air, it pulled the beaming strength of the sun. Slowly but surely, her body regained its strength.

Mount Kwanu, the massive stone mountain, proudly sat beneath the clouds. Its peak could be seen from miles away. In the heart of the mountain was the Great Tree, a magical gift from Mother Ama.

After healing, Zehkuu's cloud descended, placing her at the base of the tree. Its huge trunk shot up into the sky, towering over the majestic waterfall beside it. She said a prayer while placing her hands on the trunk of the Great Tree. This allowed her to receive magic directly from Mother Ama. Taking deep breaths, she allowed the waves of healing energy to fuel her solar plexus and thoroughly cleanse her auric field. I am rooted, like a tree, she thought. Zehkuu smiled. She bowed before the Great Tree to give thanks.

She was truly grounded.

Using the clouds as a cover, Zehkuu flew towards the sound of screeching and roaring. She landed softly on the soaring dragon's head and brandished her Muwi Sword. Swiftly, she plunged the sword deep into the dragon's thick skull. Blood oozed from its scaly skin as the dragon wailed, crashing down.

While hurtling to the ground, Zehkuu removed the sword to begin gradually healing the dragon's wound. The bleeding slowed, the gash slightly sealed, the cranium fully repaired.


The dragon hit the ground with a forceful bounce, rolling onto its belly. Zehkuu gracefully landed in front of it with a soft thump. "I did not want to hurt you, but you left me no choice. I can help you, but in order to do so, you must submit." Her voice did not waver.

The dragon looked up at the gifted woman and pleaded with its eyes, but Zehkuu stood her ground. It stood with hesitation. Zehkuu gathered swirls of fire energy into her palms. In its weakened state, the dragon raised its large head and bowed, emitting dark curls of grey smoke billowing up into the sky. It formed a helix on each side.

When the smoke cleared, Zehkuu bowed in return and walked to the dragon. She placed her left hand on its middle horn, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. A blue gem behind the horn began to glow, a slithering white light revealed newly mended skin, plumes of purple smoke escaped the dragon's mouth. Black shadows slid from its mouth, ears, and eyes, writhing in pain. A few feet away, they swirled into a dense opaque cloud, growing in size. Their energy was that of an angry abysmal void, devoid of nature's unconditional Love. Zehkuu held her intention pure in her heart and in her mind. Utilizing the energy of Mother Ama, she compressed the shadows into a dense ball of fiery rage. Though the shadows initially resisted, she tapped into her core and banished them into the Cave Of No Return, where the Darkness dwelled.

A bright, white light washed over the dragon from its tail to its head, causing its greenish-red scales to shimmer in the blazing sun. She removed her hand from the horn, opened her eyes, and took several steps back.

"Thank you, Great One," the dragon said. It bowed again, this time with immense gratitude.

"You are most welcome, friend." Zehkuu tilted her head. Great One? She thought to question the title with which she was addressed but shrugged it off instead.

"I...I did not mean to hurt anyone." It lowered its head, staring at the ground. "I lost control and did not know what to do."

"I cannot imagine what the experience was like for you, but I understand your regret. The shadow-beasts are gone and will no longer be able to hurt you." She paused, clasping her hands behind her back. Her skin was a rich, ocher brown complexion, blessed by the sun's kisses. "Do you have a name?"

"You may call me Akeilei." Akeilei stood tall, gracefully spreading her wings.

"Akeilei." Zehkuu smiled. "I am headed to Qezu's Ridge. As a sovereign being, you may join me or you may go free."

"This is an honor I did not expect," Akeilei said. She looked towards Itundu River, considering Zehkuu's words. She noticed the smoke coming from the small city nearby and clenched her jaw. Her heart quickened, her stomach dropped. This was no way for a great magical beast to live. "I shall join you, Great One. I feel there is much more to learn with you."

Zehkuu beamed. Her body was worn but her heart was filled with happiness. This was exactly what she needed. "Good to hear," she said. "And please, call me Zehkuu." From her sleeves, she pulled out a tent as large as Akeilei. "You may rest now. In the morning, we take flight."


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