2) A Flash.

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The girl's POV.

I like the rain. The rain is welcoming me and hides me from being seen by too many people. I don't want to be seen and the rain understands so it's helping me. I look up and I thank the rainclouds because it makes some of the pain go away. It's been a couple months now. Three to be exact.

It's been three months since I moved... again in order to hide from those chasers and bullies. This time it was the worst...

Because of those mean bullies and chasers, I hate being seen and I hate seeing others looking at me. It is very uncomfortable and it scares me because I never know when they will find me. It used to be okay and easier when my 언니 was with me... she protected me from those bullies and 아저씨s that always chased after us. But now she is all the way across the ocean in America fulfilling her dream of attending Stanford University.

I hate how I am a loser that has to run and keep on running away from those that want to find and hurt me. It's all because of mom and dad. It's all their fault. Just because they didn't pay their debts, they left both of us. And now I am alone.

I shudder at the thought of having to run away AGAIN with them right behind me.

I continue to slowly walk in the cool and refreshing rain. That's when I hear footsteps. Someone is running... towards me. I am scared. Did they find me already??? I have to act fast but I don't know what to do. The once refreshing and welcoming rain felt like a trap. I can barely see anything since the rain is pouring so hard... I have no choice but to stay where I am and hope whoever it is just passes by.

I can still hear the footsteps and they are getting louder by the moment.
Right when I thought the footsteps couldn't get any louder, I am knocked down to the ground. I try to brace myself but I can feel my knees and arm get scratched on the rough ground.

I am scared.

Is it them? It must be the bullies. I better stay quiet and make a dash for it.

When I thought I would start getting beat up, I heard a guy's voice. And this guy was... apologizing. I think I heard wrong. The bullies are trying to make me look up so they can laugh and hit me.

I see a slight shadow of the person that knocked me down and I see that there are no other shadows surrounding the one person.

Huh? I thought it was the bullies again. But... Maybe this person isn't a bully...

I guess I was not paying much attention because of my thoughts but the guy is on his knees and I see that he is trying to see my face. I was right. He is trying to check if I am the right one. I hear his voice again but I cannot clearly hear what he is saying. I decide to stay quiet.

At that moment, the guy holds out his hand. He is gesturing for me to take his hand... to stand up...
Wait. Huhhh? I take a quick look at him and I see that he does not look like one of the mean bullies... he actually looks very nice and... cute...

I don't know why but, I felt like I could trust him and I slowly reached out to grab his hand...

His hand is really warm and big compared to mine. I feel his hand take a grip on my hand and he helps me up. It is painful. But I don't say anyhing and keep it to myself. Once I am up, the guy examines me and has a worried look on his face...he starts to speak then.

"Miss! You got hurt! I am terribly sorry. Let's get out of this rain first so that I can take a better look and maybe get some medication for your sc-"

I stop him in the middle of what he was saying. I tell him that I am fine and that he does not need to worry... But to my surprise, he insists on getting medication for my scars.
And he exclaims, "Miss, you must be crazy! It's cold because of the rain AND because of me you got hurt! Could you please just follow me?"

I guess it wouldn't hurt and... I think I can trust him.
I just nod and he takes a grip on my wrist and drags me along behind him.

I... I am... I am actually.... following this guy..... and... This guy is helping me... It's the first time in such a long time...

I am very thankful for this moment and his act of kindness that I feel tears rolling down my face.
Because of this guy's act of kindness, I feel myself smiling as well. It is all that I ever wanted. To be cared for once again.


This girl... is very... unique and pretty...

Why am I thinking that when I see her smiling with tears rolling down her face? Sunggyu, you ate something wrong.

I look back again at the girl and she is still crying with a smile on her face. I don't know why but... I feel attracted to this girl... yeah...

I see that we are almost there. I decide that it would be best to have her sit outside on a bench while I go get some band-aids... But... is she alright??? I mean... she WAS indeed crying... Oh well... I can't understand girls... UNFORTUNATELY. *sigh*

I tell her to wait for a while. I worry that she will run off or something so I quickly get the things I need and I dash back outside.

Thankfully, she is still there. She is sitting on the bench, hugging her knees. I go over to her and I see that she has wiped her tears away.

I sit next to her and try to help apply the medicine on her scars, but she says, "I am sorry but, I can do this by myself." Yeah. I know she isn't a little kid so why am I all worried about her? Ughhh. Whatever.

I tell her that I understand but I tell her that I will be watching so that I know she is actually putting the medicine and bandaids on.

She is done with putting the band-aids on her scars. It is quiet for a while, a bit awkward. I decide to go and throw away the trash from the band-aids.

But... She stops me. I look back and I see her slightly grabbing onto the bottom part of my sleeve.

Then she says, "Could you just stay for a minute? Just one minute? I am a bit scared of... of... the dark. Yeah, the dark."

Without thinking, I sit back down.


anywho~ thank you all so much for reading and voting!!! It really helps with making my day, especially when I am not in a good mood...!!! I promise that the next chapter will come out in less than a week's time!!!!



SUNGGYU'S (INFINITE Sungkyu) LOVE STORY : FATAL SMILEWhere stories live. Discover now