I've finally touched the stars

28 3 0

It was raining.

It always has these days, the weather mysteriously matching with his moods.

it was odd. but everything nowadays felt as if it was out of place.

the one book on the shelf, that vanilla scented candle could go somewhere else.

maybe he could rewatch that one tv show he likes.

just to feel a little better these days.

but these days were horrible

utterly a mess

like he was



he was a mess

he couldn't help it!

he stuttered to much

his face goes hotter than,



thinking of the freckled boy,

once again

or, more than once again.


a lot

Yeah, maybe he should rewatch that show.

so he decides, yeah, Skins is great.

and just as he's about to play the first episode, his phone rings

Oh for fucks sake

Reaching irritatingly to his phone, his annoyance melts into fondness as he sees the caller id of whoever was calling him

Peyton <3

Yes, was in so deep he even put a heart after the golden boy's name

how rich.

"Hey Lucas, you have some time to spare?"

He thinks of the rewatch he was supposed to do

"No i'm free. What's up?"

And here he is,

the usually calm and collected Lucas who is oddly sweating in places he never knew he could sweat

And oh god how obvious he is,

and oh god how stupid Peyton is to be so oblivious of it all.

i've finally touched the stars (it was you all along)Where stories live. Discover now